Chapter 9

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Out of pure instinct, my mother's hands wrapped around me and shielded me behind her as a rifle gun clicked into place. I had never come this close to death, especially standing here, in the Wastelands, lying in my mother's arms. Instantly, I froze in fear, waiting for that moment to come.

My mother's lively green eyes hardened as she forced a smile at our attackers. "There's really no need to fret so much. She just happened to stumble across our land."

"She's an intruder. I saw her with that group of brainwashers!" One of the burly men growled.

"It might be more likely that she got lost and came this way." My mother's voice was incredibly steady and calm as I trembled under her vice-like grip.

"If we catch you next time, you won't be so lucky," Both men sent me a glare before sauntering away, leaving me quaking in fear.

"Take the train back to the Institute. Don't come back, and don't even look this way," My mother whispered. "I need you to be safe and far away from all this."

"But I was just-"

"No buts. You're taking the train back to the Republic, right now." Her eyes were stern and her voice was firm and authoritative.

My mind was racing, the gears turning in my head as I grasped for something that would change her mind. As I continued struggling against her grip, I frantically searched for something that would make her explain why she was here in the first place.

Consider it an act of defiance towards the Republic. "Anthony," I gasped, finding the chink in her armour. "The Doctor."

My mother's eyes widened by a fraction. "What did you just say?"

"Anthony works for you, right? I know him. We're acquaintances." I suddenly remembered the Tabloid he gave me yesterday. "He gave me this. It's locked." The model was outdated but well preserved. I gingerly handed it to my mother.

She smiled when she swiped across the Tabloid. "And here I thought he forgot about us. He always manages to show up at the right time." She lightly pressed her fingerprint to the sensor as the Tabloid clicked to life. "This Tabloid was always mine. I guess Anthony just wanted you to return it to me after all."

"Mum?" I tucked a stray lock of my auburn hair to my ear.


"How do you two know each other? Why are you in the Wastelands?" I blurted, my fingers fidgeting with the hem of my jacket.

"Have you heard of the Revolution?" Her eyes continued scanning across the Tabloid, searching for something seemingly pivotal.

I nodded. "They were a radical and hypocritical party that threatened to overturn the Democratic Socialist Party before the Republic took over. Afterwards, they continued to threaten the Republic with occasional revolts. The Republic soon silenced the Revolution and they've ceased to exist for approximately five years."

"They were not radical nor hypocritical," My mother corrected with an angry glint in her eyes. "And they were not silenced, they only went into hiding."

"Mum? Are you..." My mother nodded, and everything clicked together, except none of it made sense, like forcing random jigsaw puzzles together to form an undecipherable picture. My mother was known for being humble, modest, shy and kind. There was no way someone like her would be bold enough to join the Revolution.

She chewed on her lip, suddenly guilty. "I wanted to tell you, but you were so happy, wrapped up in your own little world. I always told myself, I'll tell her tomorrow, and she'll understand. I'm so sorry- "

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