Chapter 34

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"Join the Security, now," Anthony yelled, his face rapidly paling as he furiously rubbed his temples in circular motions. Was this another side effect of the Merging Process? "I'll take care of the rest."

I rushed back to my room, eyes stinging and hands trembling. Kyle knew my secret. I was the infiltrator, the one who secretly worked behind the Republic's back. The glass doors slid open silently, letting in a gust of cool morning air. Sliding across the vinyl flooring, my stiff fingers wrapped around the edge of the balcony. Hooking my forearm to the ledge, I helped myself into a crouch then dropped like a stone into the safety net below.

The locomotive arrived soon enough. Dozens, no hundreds of Security stepped out, looking utterly confused, puzzled, and horrified. I couldn't blame them. It wasn't their fault that they were forced to take a manipulating serum, forcing them to potentially kill and hurt hundreds of innocents.

Fortunately, my black gear easily blended in with their unified black uniforms. I twirled a strand of my auburn hair in my finger, hiding my face away from the Republican cameras.

"We apologize for this matter, especially to the members of the Merging Process." William's hologram flickered, fake guilt and apologies plastered on his face. "This would not have happened if the infiltrate had tampered our system. We once again send our apologies." I bit back a frustrated growl. If Anthony and I were not there to stop the serum in time, the blood staining the Wastelands and the Security's hands would never be washed away, despite the endless numbers of serums used to erase this event. There would always be people, like us, that would remember what happened.

"Please proceed to your activities." It was just past noon. There was no way I could avoid my academic exams. Sighing, I followed the Security until taking a sudden left turn, pressing myself against the wall. When the Security had finally dispersed, I sprinted towards the elevator, jabbing my thumb on the 'up' button. Gradually, the numbers on the elevator crawled to my floor, and the metal doors slowly slid open. A sting registered in my back. A tranquillizer dart. The darkness enveloped me, and Kyle's face of indifference was what I saw before I slumped to the floor, unconscious.


"How many more minutes?" William's sharp and authoritative voice rang across the room. My fingers twitched to his voice.

"Two." Kyle's formal and strained voice replied. My fingers twitched rapidly, my mind fighting my way through the impenetrable fog of the tranquillizer, sleep crowding over my every instinct.

"We have no more time. Wake them up." William answered coldly. There were footsteps, then the familiar stinging sensation to my neck. Instantly, the fog was gone, replaced by a blinding white light. My right shoulder ached from the fall, and my limbs were stiff and tired. My wrists felt seared and burnt, the straps grating irritatingly against my tender skin. Painstakingly, my eyes adjusted to the blinding light, other colours registering into my mind. However, the muffled voice of someone else sent a jolt of dread down my spine: Anthony.

Anthony, like me, was bound to a steel chair, hands bound at the back and legs tied to the front legs of the chair. However, a mound of cloth was stuffed in his mouth, and his jaw was straining so much that his eyes bulged from the aching pain.

William's office, unlike Anthony's, was much larger, cleaner and posh. Massive window panes lined every wall and white marble tiles gleaned from the excessive cleanliness. In front of me, William sat at his desk, his hands folded and his expression stoic. Kyle attempted to mimic him as he packed up the tranquillizer darts, but his hands were shaking as he stared at everything but me.

"This combination is certainly interesting." William stared at us with his blue eyes that resembled two frozen lakes, unlike Kyle's eyes that resembled hot chocolate. "Care to explain?"

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