Chapter 28

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Kyle had blatantly avoided me during the entire combat session, leaving me to practice alone in silence. Still, it helped. I poured out all of my anger into the punching bag, torturing it till I was completely drenched in sweat.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I should've seen the entire ordeal coming. Kyle was too special to be some measly student that got lucky and joined the Merging Process.

When will you stop being so reckless? My mother's voice chided. I always ended up hurting someone, whether it was myself or someone close to me.

You're a liar. Lauren screamed. I had lied. For the Revolution. To save people. But did that make me a good person?

"So you finally gave in and showed your true colours," Lauren commented quietly, deactivating my simulation. Her hair was as straight and perfect as ever, but her eyes no longer burned with a need and desperation, they were just quiet, restrained.

"I didn't notice that you were back," I replied acidly. "Did they give you enough therapy to finally calm your mind down?"

"Sort of," She shrugged, rolling her shoulders. This was the quiet version of her. Still snarky, still obnoxious, just less loud.

"The Republic's always one step ahead of you. You're strong, but not very smart." She let a droplet of water slide from her fingertips to the wall, staining it an even darker grey.

"Whose side did you pick? You're all taunting and mysterious. I don't get you at all." My argument with Kyle yesterday had made my tone more venomous and brusque. Lauren crossed her arms but didn't look offended.

"The Republic doesn't do favours. They're merciless. I'm on nobody's side. I'm just a bystander that happens to know all the answers, now that I've accepted my fate." She smiled, and at that moment, she let me into her real interior: A broken and bitter girl, piling herself upon hatred and betrayal.

"I'm thankful for what I have. For once, I'm happy to forget." She watched the droplet of water making its way down to the floor. "It's a present the Republic gives us, the ability to forget."

"Huh?" I cocked my head to the side. I knew that the Merging Process was powerful, but not so much that human memories could be physically wiped away.

"You don't know? I thought you would," She laughed, but it wasn't sincere. "I'll be turning you in by the time you strike, but someone else should be fulfilling that job." She giggled again. "Don't worry, you should be fine."

"You're delusional," I muttered. Lauren giggled again, throwing her head back in hysteria.

"Kyle's not mad at you," She slurred, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. "He's mad at himself. He likes you a lot."

Stupid feelings. "Does he?" I maintained an impassive expression.

"Yeah, he's really concerned about you. You should see him frantically asking everyone where you've been last night." She giggled again, hiccuping a spontaneous stream of air. "He's absolutely adorable."

The doors flew open as the Security and Medics stormed in, hauling away a delusional Lauren. She provided no resistance, seemingly lost in her little world.

"Zach! Zach! Where are you?" She whispered, then let out a giggle. "You'd better come out before I catch you!"

"Zachariah!" She giggled, just as the Security slammed the door shut.


"I will be pairing you up in teams of two. If the person does not get back up in ten seconds or taps out, the other person wins. The winners will continue fighting until one is left standing." Zoey projected a tree diagram with our names on it. "Extra points will be rewarded for the winning opponent, but you will also be critiqued on other aspects of combat as well." Using this method, the chances of getting a bruise were ninety-five out of a hundred.

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