Chapter 1

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"5 minutes left, runners!" The speaker blared, the sound momentarily distracting me from my torturous exercise.

My heart was pounding against my chest. Thump. Thump. Thump. I continued to force my legs to move in a repetitive beat to avoid falling off the race track. My brain was barely functioning. I should've known better than to challenge myself to reach Stage 4.

For a split second, I saw black. Every inch of my body burned from a result of overexerting myself. Suffocation choked my vision till black dots appeared.

"4 minutes left!" I faintly heard the speaker blaring. My heavy breaths weren't enough for my body. I was fading away, slowly but steadily.

I saw the ticking of the timer before slipping off the track and heard a 'thud' as I fell and winked out of consciousness.

Everything hurt as a ringing resonated through my ears dizzily. I faintly heard the annoying, repetitive beep of the heart monitor.

"Finally. She's awake." My mother breathed, evidently relieved.

Mentally, I rolled my eyes at my mother's frantic tone. I was evidently fine, despite my overexertion that resulted in fainting right on the spot.

"Hello Arista," The nurse smiled robotically with her almost perfect features. The term 'Merged' flashed past my brain. "I'll be doing some quick checks on your vitals and you'll be able to continue your tests once I'm done!"

"How long was I out?" I slowly helped myself up, wincing at the tender spots on my body.

"Three hours," The nurse beamed. "You must be exceptionally strong to wake up in such a short time. People normally pass out for 8 hours before waking up. Sometimes, we even have to use a serum!"

Definitely merged. My brain commented. Too enthusiastic.

"Your vitals are stellar, so you can continue your tests. Just drink this up and you'll be good to go!" I eyed the suspicious blue looking drink. The nurse sent me an overly enthusiastic grin as I reluctantly swallowed the liquid down. It tasted normal, like the water I drank from every day.

"Thanks." I managed a small smile before walking towards the second physical test.

The next test was based on flexibility and agility. I enjoyed doing some morning and evening stretches to loosen up my stressed out emotions. As expected, I reached Stage 6 and almost broke my leg from attempting to surpass Stage 7.

My mother was frowning at my cast when I limped back home. Her mouth was turned down in disapproval as I gave her a weak smile in return.

"Arista," She sighed. "When will you stop being so reckless?"

"It's just a cast, mum." I never understood her constant worrying. "If I get my daily shots, it'll come off within a week."

"The cast isn't the problem. It's you." Her tone was weary and exhausted, her frown lines exceptionally prominent. "The next test is much more personal and difficult in certain ways. You have to be careful."

"They're just tests in my brain. Nothing dangerous happens." I shrugged.

"That's the worst part. They're tests in your brain." My mum glanced around, searching for the hidden cameras installed inside our house. "You have to be careful. Anything could happen. Anything." She switched the light off before sending me one last tired smile. "Good night."

Today was all simulation. All in the brain. The Republic often flaunted their insanely advanced technology but never allowed the 'lower class' to use it. These were one of the rare times where they allowed us, some measly fifteen-year-olds', to use their reliable technology.

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