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A pair of arms are wrapped around my waist as I stand on the edge, the tears continuing to stroll down my face.
"You're life has so much worth I promise."
The unfamiliar voice had come from a man, his grip tightened around my weakened body as I hold my breath as I stand there, unable to stop the tears from falling.
He lets go slightly, pulling me back and I turn to face him. His head is turned to the side, unable to see his face. All I could make out was his brunette hair and a black ring on his lip.

I wake up drenched in sweat.
I sigh as I fold my hand over my eyes.
"Still those dreams again. I was so close to seeing his face."
I groan as I get out of bed. I've been dreaming of dystopia. Yes my life is somehow perfect but I don't want it to be. Everyone wants to be you, everyone wants everything you have, everyone watches your every move that you feel as if you can't breathe.

My body finally relaxes. Trickles of water trailing down my skin as I stand underneath the shower, I take a deep breath, closing my eyes.

I can only think of him. Whatever happens to me in my dreams, he's always there to save me but I still don't know his name nor his face.

After I stand in the shower for awhile, I get out and dry my body and hair, looking at myself in the mirror. I don't know what the think or feel. To many thoughts are rushing around my head I feel as if I could collapse.

I tuck a few stands of hair behind both of my ears as I put some makeup onto the bathroom counter in front of me. I put on a normal amount of makeup that I do everyday, unless it's an important event.
I walk out of my bathroom, back into my bedroom, sliding open the doors to my wardrobe to pick out my outfit for the day.

My fingers trail across the heaps of clothing that's been hung up and I move my hand to take one off but I stop. The sound of a reversing truck quietly blares through my cracked open window causing me to stand still before creeping over to look outside. My eyes widen as I stare at where the noise is coming from.
"Someone's moving....next door?"
I think hardly as I lean onto the ledge of my window, resting my head in my hand as I stare outside.

A car drives around the truck and parks on the curb. The car door swings open and I shoot up. My eyes widen again, my heart speeding up to see a brunette boy step out of the car with a black lip ring.

dystopia | lee minho Where stories live. Discover now