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As we reach the coffee shop I notice some familiar faces inside.
"Omo! No way!"
I squeal excitedly as I pull the heavy door open, leading a bell to ring as I step inside, Minho hurriedly following.
I shout and he shoots up with a beaming grin and walks over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, mine around his neck.
The others call my name and I smile as I let go of Felix, moving to hug them as-well.

I look back to see Minho, standing by the door. An un-certain expression as he looks at us.
"Minho! Come over here I'll introduce you to my friends."
He hesitates before walking over with a smile and he greets them all, some with intimidated looks as they glance at Minho.

We all sit down and we talk for awhile. They got along as I expected. I feel like I've known Minho for months already.

I glance over by the window from time to time as I watch the rain fall from the moody sky outside, unable to wipe the smile off of my face.
I look back to the table. I catch Minho staring at me as I glance to the side of where he sits.
"Are you okay?"
I mouth to him and he just nods and smiles before his attention is caught by Woojin asking him a question.

I smile as I watch him. My chest goes weak when I admire his face, seeing him so happy just makes me want to hug him and never let go.
Who thought that'd feel so attached to someone I only just met? And why do I keep getting flashbacks? Why is Minho in them? Why do I feel like I haven't just met him today?

My head rushes with thoughts as I stare into space, not even focusing on the conversation that is passed throughout the table.

"Y/n I think we should go back now."
I look up to see Minho with a smile on his face, Woojin beside him.
I glance up at the ceiling to be greet by a bright yellow light, I look around the coffee shop to see not so many people anymore and some of the guys had left. My eyes catch the sun setting outside.
"When did they leave?"
I ask Minho and make eye contact with Woojin.
"They left a few minutes ago, you were quite out of it the whole time."
Woojin replies, followed by a shared chuckle with Minho.
I say, tucking my hair behind my ears.
"Yah y/n what's with the gloomy look? We will take you home and you can take a nice bath and rest."
Woojin smiles at me and I do the same.
"Okay! But before we go I need to stop off at the convenience shop to get some things."
I say and they nod.
"I'll take her Woojin, you should probably leave before it gets really dark."
Minho turns to him.
"Yes Woojin I'm fine! Minho will take care of me won't you?"
Minho turns to me and smiles, nodding his head before we both look back at Woojin.
"Okay. Call me if you need anything y/n."
He stands from his chair and walks round the table and kisses the top of my head which makes a wide grin appear on my face.

"Lets get going."
I say to Minho and he nods his head as I put my coat back on, standing up.
We walk out of the coffee shop and we walk the opposite direction to my house. I look to the side at an open alleyway, something feels familiar about it but I can't think why. I stop, smiling.
"What's wrong?"
Minho asks then follows where I'm looking.
It's a couple kissing, light spits of rain fall around them including me and Minho.
"I can't wait for when I fall in love."
I put my hands into my coat pockets.
"Y/n...what are you looking at?"
I turn to Minho.
"Don't you see that couple-"
I turn back to look at the couple in the alleyway but there's nobody there. I take my hands from my pockets as I stand there astonished.
"I swear there was-"
Minho grabs my hand, causing me to face him.
"You're just tired y/n... lets go."

dystopia | lee minho Where stories live. Discover now