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I squint my eyes as I slap my neck.
What am I thinking? Of course that isn't him. I only made him up in my head, he's not real.

I quickly get changed out of the towel that's been wrapped around my body into something casual. I might as well stop by my new neighbour.

I take a second look at my outfit and take a deep breath as I walk out of my bedroom

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I take a second look at my outfit and take a deep breath as I walk out of my bedroom.
I grab my keys and slide them in my pocket as I make my way out the door.

I watch as two men walk out of the cream coloured house, back into the truck. They drive away and my lip curls up a bit, my heart racing slightly as I start to walk further and further to the house's front door. I knock on the door and it opens after a few seconds revealing an incredibly good-looking man. He smiles at me making my cheeks feel slightly warm. I smile back and analyse his face. His hair looks so shiny and soft and the black lip ring compliments his face with his melanin skin.
"I'm y/n."
I say sweetly to break the silence.
"Min ho."
He chuckles, looking down slightly. His face slightly pink.
"You're blushing from an introduction?"
I move my head to catch his eyes as I giggle causing him to shoot his head up.
"N-No! It's just quite warm inside!"
He runs his fingers through his hair and we share a laugh.
"Anyway I just came to see if you've settled in okay. I live next door."
I point at my house as he peers out from the doorway then looks back at me and nods his head.
"I'll see you around Minho, I'm going to the coffee shop down the street."
I wave, stepping back with a smile on my face before turning around to walk down the pathway.
"I'd like to see you again soon!"
He shouts and I turn, still walking and smile before looking back.
I hear someone shout my name making me stop. I look over to Minho and he's looking down where my house is making me look in that direction, curiously.

I see Woojin running towards me, just passing my house. A big smile beams across my face and I start to run towards him as he gets to Minho's house. I jump into his arms, giggles escaping my mouth as he spins me around before putting me back on my feet.
"I've missed you so much!"
I pout at him, lightly pinching his cheeks which makes him return a cute smile.
"Me too."
I smile back but soon turn to see Minho in his doorway, staring. Woojin waves with a smile on his face and Minho hesitantly waves back before glancing at me and smiling slightly,looking down before closing the door.
"Who was that?"
Woojin turns to me and I do the same.
"He just moved in today."
He nods his head.
"How are the other boys?"
I ask with a sad tone. I haven't seen Woojin and my other 7 best friends for almost a month, I've been quite distant...

"They miss you."
He replies and I stick out my bottom lip.
"Let's all meet at the coffee shop."
I squeal excitedly and he chuckles at me and pulls me into a hug.
"Awh but don't you want to just be with your favourite best friend?"
He asks as he rests his chin on my head.
"Yeah I better call Felix."
He pulls away and looks at me with a frown which makes me chuckle.
"Do you wanna take him?"
He asks. I look at him confused. He points to Minho's house and nervously tuck my hair behind my ears.

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