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adjective: anguished

experiencing or expressing severe mental or physical pain or suffering.

"he gave an anguished cry"

synonyms: agonized, tormented, racked with pain/suffering, tortured, harrowed; miserable, unhappy, sad, broken-hearted, heartbroken

Imagine having the person who you loved so deeply just wither away like they were nothing, like they were a passing cloud that disappeared from the sky because the sun stole its place.

I wasn't given a chance, he didn't give me a chance. I didn't know it would end up like this Minho, you fool..

"I told you...I-I had to go."
He breathes in deeply, the tears continuing to stream down my face.
"Not this way!"
I cry, sobbing out loud.

The sky crackles with thunder, shortly followed by rain pouring down as he lays in my arms, his eyes barely open.

"Y/n I always loved you.."
He weakly places his hand on my cheek and stares into my eyes. I nuzzle my face into his hand, holding onto his wrist.
"Please don't leave me..I need you more than anything."
The rain surrounds us and I try my best to keep my head over his so he's blocked from the cold rain.

My grip stays firm but weak as my hand shake, holding him as he lays on my lap.

I look past him as his hand tugs away from me, falling onto his stomach.
The blood from his body had streamed down the pavement, mixing with the rain but it was now going the opposite way..as if it was coming back towards Minho.

And it does.

It flows through the wet rain and back into Minho.
"W-What is this? Why has your blood-"
I look down at Minho and I cover my mouth with shock.

His body starts to fade, starting from his legs.
"Minho! What's going on!?"
I cry uncontrollably as he stares at me. I hold onto his arms, rubbing my hands across his chest and lightly pulling on his cheeks.
"Y/n stop."
He tells me weakly as I fuss him about. Confused but panicked.
"Minho...what's happening??"
My hands are by his cheeks, resting on his shoulders.

I look up to the moody sky as it chucks it down with rain and squint my eyes, the cries slip from my mouth as if I couldn't control myself. why me?

I look back down to Minho but he's gone.

I look at my hands with horror as I look around for him but he's nowhere the to be seen.

My heart pounds and aches.
I scream with pain as my face is up towards the sky.
I choke on my tears as I cry out loud, my throat burns and my heart knocks with pain. My head hurts with misery.

My head falls down and so does the rest of my body.

The rain pours down harder, my body is completely soaked.

I lay on my back on the pavement, my eyes closed as I scream again and again and again.

"The worst thing is that this isn't even a dream."

Minho's gone. He's dead.

Maybe I should too.

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