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"Y/n please!"
Felix walks towards me and puts his hands to my face but i push him backwards.
"Don't you dare! Can't you see what's going on right now? I feel like i'm going crazy."
His face saddens and i glance at Minho and his expression changes too.
"How could you both keep something as crazy as this from me? Minho why would you erase my memory so that i would forget everything about you and then restart our time together? And Felix...I've known you for so long...did i not mean anything to you? In a way you had to keep this bizarre secret from me?"
Felix shakes his head and i look back to Minho.

I walk up to him and place my hands on his cheeks.
"I want you to tell me everything-"
We turn our heads to look at Felix, my hands fall from Minho's face.
"Y/n... I-I-"
I sigh in frustration.
"Go on Felix! Why don't you go ahead and ruin another thing for me and Minho huh?!"
He stares at me in shock, so many emotions flicker through his eyes as our gazes lock with one another.
"Y/n i like you! For gods sake i fucking like you! more than a friend! i've loved you since the day i met you and it killed me seeing you with Minho so i was-"
Minho cuts him off, making me turn to Minho, my body filled with confusion.
"He was Jealous so he killed me."
My mouth falls open as my heart feels like it's been stabbed over and over and over again.
"Y-You killed Minho? Is this your idea of some-some sick joke??"
I turn to Felix, my head pounds as i'm unsure how to feel.
"Y/n...You don't understand I-I panicked! I just wanted you to myself-"
"I don't want to hear it!! Take me back take me back! I don't want to be here anymore Felix! I want to go home-"
Tears start to stream down my face as i try to catch my breath.
"Please take me home-"
I cry even more which makes Minho pull me into his embrace, once hand rubbing my back soothingly and the other placed on the back of my head.

"as you wish."

Those words replayed over and over in my head, echoing from ear to ear.

Minho's steady but soft voice causes me to open my eyes, pulling away from him to see a familiar room, my living room.

My eyes soften as i look around the room, my body comfortably next to Minho's as we're sat on my sofa.

"Minho...Will you tell me everything now?"
I look into his eyes and he smiles at me, nodding his head.
"I'll tell you everything you want to know."
I clear my throat as i tuck a few strands of hair behind both of my ears.
"What was that place?"
"It was another world that were for souls who connected to others whilst in a coma."
i furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"What does that mean?"
I ask.
"I was in a coma for 3 years....Somehow i discovered you in my deep slumber, i entered your disturbing dreams and saved your life every time. You looked so beautiful yet so hurt and lost, you helped me fight for my life because i knew one day we would meet."
My heart pounds as i stare at him with solicitude, my body aches as he stares at me back with pity.
"What else do you want to know?"
His question takes me aback as he asked it so calmly.
"What does....Felix have to do with it?"
"He made it."

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