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"I-I don't know."
I reply, not meeting his eyes.
"Come on y/n! It'll be nice for him to know some people in the area."
I look at him and he gives me a smile. I hesitantly nod my head.
I reply making him cheer. I laugh as I push my hair off of my shoulder.
He pulls out his phone and starts to text on our group chat.
"I'll be right back, I forgot my phone."
Woojin looks up at me and nods, leaving me to run towards my house, opening the door to run upstairs and grab my phone before rushing back down and outside to meet Woojin.

"Chan said they'll meet us there."
I nod, looking at the road then back to him but he's already started to walk towards Minho's house. My eyes widen and I catch up to him, tugging on his hoodie.
"Y-Yah Woojin I'm sure he-"
I stutter and swallow hard as he chuckles at me, waking faster towards his door causing me to follow behind him.

He knocks on the door and it opens after awhile and he looks slightly surprised as Woojin stands infront of him.

"Would you like to join us?"
Woojin leans to the side, revealing me. My cheeks feel hot as I awkwardly look at Minho and he hesitantly smiles and I smile back awkwardly as I move to stand next to Woojin.
"Our 7 other friends are meeting us too and I'd like it if you came."
My anxiety runs away from my body as I build up the courage to talk to him. I had no idea why I was so nervous.
Woojin nods whilst smiling.
"Ah I don't kn-"
Minho gets cut off by Woojin as he grabs his arm and drags him out of the house, the door closing behind him.
"Woojin! What the heck?"
I run to catch them up, leaving Woojin to giggle as I pull Minho away from Woojin's grip as we all walk next to each other, Minho in between us as we walk down to the coffee shop.

Surprisingly there wasn't any awkward silences. We laughed and got to know Minho a bit better and he did the same with us but we eventually by the coffee shop so the conversation died down.

A deep male voice calls my name. I turn my head to see Felix and the other 6 boys as Woojin walks up to them. My face lightens as I smile at them all. I start to rush over to them but my arm gets pulled back out of the coffee shop, outside.

Minho presses my back against the brick wall, behind the shop.
"Minho what are you doing!?"
He looks around nervously  and lets go of me and looks at me. His hazel eyes piercing through mine.
"What's going on?"
I ask desperately.
"Do you really not recognise me?"
He bites his lip, waiting for my response as I stand there, my heart pounding out of my chest.

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