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"I-I'm sorry please can you get off... i don't know who you are."
My cheeks feel hot as he clings to me, he hesitates before letting me go.
He looks away, swallowing hardly.
"Don't apologise."
I say, moving my head to catch his eye with a small smile on my face.
"Want to come inside for a drink?"
I ask and he shakes his head.
"Are you sure? I don't mind."
I smile again and he gives me an unsure look.
"Ah..I'm Minho by the way."
My head pounds for a second but I shrug it off, hiding it with a smile.

He holds out his hand and I take it and he expected me to shake it but I just pulled him inside my house instead.

"Now you have to give me a piggy back ride."
I smile devilishly at him and he pouts.
"That's so random but-"
He takes me by surprise and scoops me up in his arms, pulling me onto his back and I cling to him for dear life.
"What the fuck just happened."
I catch my breath and we both laugh.

A wave of emotion hits my body, recalling another flashback but in my head this time as I lay on his back, my arms around his shoulders and his his hands holding onto my legs.

It's me and Hyunjin. Out in the dark busy street as he carries me home.

I wake up to the sun seeping through my blinds. I move to sit up but something heavy is on my stomach. I look down to see Minho's head resting on me, the rest of his body leaned forward on a chair next to my bed.

Why is minho there? I think to myself as I suddenly snap from a sudden flashback. When did this happen? Have we met before?

So many thoughts rush through my head that I didn't even realise Minho calling my name.
"Y/n are you okay?"
He asks and I pat him on the head.
"Yes I'm okay, let's go!"
I whack him repeatedly with my hands on his back but soon cling to him again as he zooms around my house.

After hours of fun we laugh and get to know each other for the rest of the day.
"Want to go to a nearby coffee shop?"
He asks with a grin.
"Yes! I'll take you to the one down the street."
I smile and I stand up from the chair I was sitting on in the kitchen, he does the same and puts on his denim jacket, over his grey hoodie. My knees go weak as I look at him. I'm so lucky. I think to myself but regret hits me afterwards. Someone who looks like that would definitely have a girlfriend y/n.

We make our way to the front door and I chuck on my black puffer jacket to compliment my jeans.

We make our way to the front door and I chuck on my black puffer jacket to compliment my jeans

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I leave the zip undone and look at Minho for reassurance on my outfit.
"Wow. You look so cute."
He pinches my cheek and I smack his hand away, playfully, and pout at him which just makes him smile.

He shuts the door behind us and I look up at the moody sky.
"It's probably going to rain."
I say, as I look back at Minho as we walk to the coffee shop.
"Rain is your favourite thing isn't it?"
He asks followed by a small chuckle.
"And how did you know that?"
I giggle at him as I look forward.

His face falls.
"Ah...just guessing. Everyone loves the rain right?"
I smile to myself.
"Now that I'm not too sure on! My friend chan prefers the sun over rain. Good guess by the way. I love every single thing about to rain. If could live out in it for the rest of-"
"-My life I would.."
He mumbles, finishing my sentence and I look at him astonished.
"Woah are you like telepathic or something."
I lightly laugh and he returns a weak smile.
"Something like that.."

dystopia | lee minho Where stories live. Discover now