Chapter three

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Mum almost died on the 3rd of May at 21:42.


The evening started out like normal: homework; tea; then good night to mum. But it was the good night that all went wrong.


"Good night mum. Love you." I hugged her, as I was about to leave she started to cough; then she was gasping into the air towards me. I felt my eyes swell up with tears as I screamed for dad, my hands now firmly pressed against her pale, fragile body. Tears streaming down my face, my dad barged in- phone out and ready. In the background my brother stood propped up against the doorway, looking the most worried I had ever seen him. But still trying to keep his 'cool' act.

The ambulance's sirens seemed to whirl around me; I watched my mum get wheeled, unconscious into the vehicle. My head became light and everything seemed to blur after the ambulance drove away. The front door seemed to swing, in fact the entire house seemed to swing; so my dad sat me down on the stairs and fetched a glass of water. When he returned I had my eyes shut, trying to clear my head, instead, though I didn't clear my head, I fainted. Thankfully I was sat already so I couldn't fall far- it was so hot and dark- it was horrible and so scary. Dad must of lifted me into my bed and placed a cold, wet cloth over my head, because when I woke he was stood by my bed, staring right at me; my face dribbling with water I gave him a smile.

The phone rang out in the hallway, my dad rushed out to answer it . I remember tears swelling up again and my face felling hot. He walked back into my room.

"Mum's ok"

I laid still, staring at the ceiling. My dad took hold of my hand, for a minute I felt almost calm and safe; I wanted to sit up and hug him but he insisted that I rested for now. He gave me a couple of pieces of chocolate to boost my energy and a glass of water. After a few minutes I sat up , my dad was still next to me holding my hand; I hugged him.

My dad left, and the room felt empty again. I walked over to the window and swung it open, the air was crisp and cold, just like at 4 am, except it was 10:48 pm. I browsed my phone before shutting it and then sat down at my desk on the other side of the room. Opening my journal I grabbed a pen and started to write. I didn't stop until I felt like I could, until I felt the weight of my emotions lift of my shoulders, until I was content and calm.

I put on my favourite pjs and lollopped on my bed, read the first few chapters of my book then fell asleep.

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