Chapter eight

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The bus came to a screeching holt like usual, but this time the bus stop that me and brother got off at was different, it was the one Dakota got off and on at, literally in the next village along. Accept it wasn't a village it was a town, so unlike where I lived it had a broader variety of restaurants and shops. Our dad was waiting, just like he said he would, looking as bored as Lizzie did in English. He rushed us into the car my brother obviously got to ride in the front, after all he was turning 17. Next to me in the back was a rather large, wrapped present and a card; my brother had no clue where we were about to go, to be honest I didn't really know either.

When the car did stop we were parked out side X-Boys Big Restaurant, I got out the car and walked with my brother to the front door, my dad pacing to catch up behind. It was very quiet and peaceful when we walked in, we sat at a large table found in the centre of the room and then one by one my brothers mates walked through the the door. And the table that had felt really empty and lonely, felt full and lively. The peacefulness when we entered was now up beat and loud excited voices. The boys were given limited choice on the menu but still some choice, so that the check didn't get to mad and costly. The restaurant even allowed my brother to put his choice of music on the speakers.

By the time all the boys had gone home it was late but we didn't leave we sat in the car unwrapping presents and telling wired stories. Dad said that we wouldn't be going home straight away and it would be too late when we actually do get home so that was why we opened them in the car. When we did finally leave it was 20:03, taking turns to choose a song we all sang along to the radio, unknown of where we were heading. It was still rather light out, so light that the automatic street lights had decided that it wasn't dark enough to turn on. The passing buildings were tall and mostly unpleasant to look at. Then are destination was clear and I knew where we were going, MUM!

The ugly buildings soon turned to fields full of green grass and animals greasing. Then back to ugly buildings as we reached the outskirts of the city in which, somewhere, my mum lay, in a hospital. Suddenly the traffic grew slow and I began to tier, to keep from being completely bored I counted each pedestrian that past by the window; then the game turned to me staring through the window and my head spinning, complete and utterly lost and bored.

We reached the hospital just as my phone was about to die, we entered the main, automatic doors, and were directed by reception to the precise location. The room she lay in was white and she was all hooked up to many machines. I was relieved to see her.

"Mum, I have missed you so much." I explain, my bottom lip trembling I hold up the necklace she had given me. "Look mum! Look, I always wear, for you!" I hugged her  and back away as I knew that we were here for Vaughn's Birthday.

"I love you sweetie!" She croaked. "Now where is my birthday boy?"

"Mum I am seven-teen now." He replied, pushing through me and dad.

"Yeah but your always my baby to me, no mater what your age!"


A lady peeked her head through the door, " I am afraid visiting times up." She look at her watch, then left. Vaughn hugged mum and so did, again, and so did dad, then we did as the lady said and left. 

An eventful birthday, after all.

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