Chapter ten

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The dark hallways of my house seemed to wrap it self around me. The air was crisp and cold. My bare legs covered in goosebumps and my hands shivering to stay warm. Outside was still dark. I would say it was around 2 in the morning. I sat hugging my knees at the top of the stairs. Nothing was awake at this hour.  The birds still resting from their busy lives. The next door neighbour's dog still resting. Even the wild cats lay dormant in the streets. Everything was resting in order for their lives to carry on. I mean who knows that day could of been a special day for someone, but for me that day was just going to be another day, my mum still in hospital awaiting treatment and my dad at work; the only thing special was the fact I had a dentist check up.

Eventually I got back up and cuddled my self in a blanket on my bed. It was a big blue, silvery blanket and it was ever so, ever so soft. Next to me, on a little bedside table was my phone and a book called Through The Hedge Backwards, I picked up the book and opened it to the page I was last on and started to read. A sudden fluster went to my head and then another, putting me off my book. I sat perched on the edge of the bed. My leg shaking, I got up and went slowly down the hall to the bathroom; I sat in the middle of the floor. My body was hot and sticky. My head dizzy. Then suddenly the room was spinning, and I felt incredibly sick.

I felt it coming. I felt it raising.

I grabbed out into the air towards the toilet. I pulled myself up, over the bowl of the toilet then regurgitate everything that I eaten the day before. Falling back I was unable to support myself back up, still feeling incredibly sick I lay throwing up everything there was in me. It all sit next to me. Every bit. And some how despite the stench, everything went dark.


My eyes opened to see my dad. I was still hot and queasy. But I wasn't throwing up everywhere anymore, I mean there was probably nothing left in me.

I stumbled to my feet, my dad gave me some clean clothes to change into and took away the dirty ones that lay in a heap on the floor. My brother led me down the stairs and into the lounge were I sat cuddled in the corner on the sofa, I stayed there most of the day and didn't eat anything, just drank a little bit of water from time to time. My dad kept on coming into check on me each hour to make sure I was ok, he was so scared that something bad would happen.

I put the tv on just before Vaughn went off to school, every bit of movement seemed to blurr. My head still was a bit dizzy. And my leg still shook a bit. Everything seemed to slowly pass on by and eventually by the end of the day I didn't really remember anything.

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