Chapter five

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Monday morning, my mum still lying in a hospital bed over 45 miles away, and my first exam was in less than 3 hours. I sat at the picnic table opposite the science block, Dakota was in front of me with her gorgeous hair neatly tied in a bun, Lizzie was next to Dakota with her hair in a scruffy pony tail and Tyler was next to me. Our first exam was geography. We had all taken geography as one of our options so we used each others notes along side our own to do some last minute revision. It being exam week meant we had no actual lessons and if we didn't have any exams on a certain day it meant that day you didn't even have to come to school.

The bell rang and we all split, I walked down the back way towards the sports hall were I was sat for my exams when I came across Tyler's friends. They were all standing arms crossed or pointing at me, who knows what they were saying but it made me uncomfortable. When I reached then they stopped me, "Hey fatty!" One said; I mean I didn't think I was the fittest girl but I was sure I wasn't fat. Any way, I tried to carry on but they stopped me again one now with hand firmly gripped around my arm, "Aren't you the daughter of the sick lady? Doesn't that make you contagious?"

I was so shocked that Tyler would tell them that when it wasn't his to tell. "Not all illnesses are contagious, but yeah my mum's doing great thxs for asking!" I tried to turn away and carry on.

"We're not done here!"

"Yes we are."

"I just don't get how Tyler feel for a slut like you."

"Excuse me. Who do you think you are? Just because I am not one of those cheap, fake girls that you like so much doesn't mean you can talk to me like that."

"You've crossed a-line, young idiot."

"I've crossed a-line; I think you have." I was shouting now. "You prowl around here like your a prince, well reality check your the same as me. You are just another person."

"That's it!" he pushed me to the floor. 

"Tyler won't like this, you know!" I say desperately.

"I know he won't that's why he won't find out. Run along little doggy."

That guy made me feel so useless for the rest of the day. I was quiet and I just want to be alone, no one ever has treated me like that, it was just shocking; like someone had just violently shaken the life out of me then slapped me and set me free in a open field far, far from home. My friends were gentle around me, like they were around animals.

I sat alone on the bus as for one I wanted to and for two Tyler had gone to sit with his friends and Dakota had been picked up by her mum to get her hair trimmed. I mean if I had asked Tyler would of sat with me but I told him I just need to be alone.

That night I didn't eat my dinner I sat there picking at it till it went cold. Then my dad threw the rest away. 

"What's wrong sweetie, your mums stable you know that."

"It's not always about mum, dad!" I rolled my eyes in frustration. I wish I could just tell him. Tell everyone. But I can't. Why can't I? Why am I so stupid?

"Ok. Ok. Well I'm here for you, you know that. Now go get ready for school tomorrow."

"Night dad!"

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