Chapter fourteen

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I woke up late, everyone else was already up. I hadn't been to school for a week, my friends constantly texted me to 'check up' on how I am doing. I slid into my dressing gown and walk down into the kitchen, my dad handed me a plate with waffles and chocolate and strawberries on the side. Then placed a glass of apple juice on the table, then left the room. I clasped the necklace around my neck and whispered 'good morning' to my mum like she was in the room; then I kissed the head of the golden bird and dug into my breakfast. My brother laughs from the doorway: "I going to Matt's , he is not needed at school today." he said after he cleared his throat. Then disappeared of down the hall way to the shoe cupboard, and shoved his converses on.

"Bye." I spluttered and swallowed.

"Hurry dad," he shouted. "We are going to be late!"

"Kayla I am off to work and so I am going to drop off your brother on the way. I will be home and 18:45 and your brother will be home about 16:30."

"Ok, bye." I stood to put my plate by the sink then hugged my dad goodbye. I licked my fingers and wondered up the stairs to the bathroom and jumped into the shower. I had placed my golden bird necklace on the side above my clothes so that it wouldn't get damaged.


I didn't feel alone despite the house being physically empty but there was something, the necklace that was like something was watching over me. Watching through the eyes of the bird. I had made sure that since the day my mum gave me my necklace, that I wore it everyday. As a symbol to my mum.

How I missed her.

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