Chapter seven

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The day started with my dad waking my up at 6 am, and rushing me into the kitchen the lights were on and outside was rather light but slightly hazy . I knew exactly what was happening, but my brain didn't click until my dad says: "You have remembered what today is, right." His voice was agitated and up tight.

"Of course I have, can I go back to bed now?"

", I need your help!"

"You forgot again, didn't you?" I pinch my nose in disappointment, I guess if your wife has got cancer it probably makes it harder to cope with everyday things. And I mean he was always on time before she got sick but still. " Ok, make him a huge breakfast, no actually make him his favourite breakfast. Then I will give him my present. And you give him a present, that you buy for him after work and give it to him in the evening. Making sure you buy him his favourite takeaway for diner."

I walked over to the sink and poured a glass of water. I knew I wasn't going to get go back to bed, so I sat down in the chair I always do and rested my head against my arms. I was so tired, I barley slept, my head raving with what schools going to be like, busy calculating whether what I am going to wear will look ok. When suddenly out the blue the phone rang, this early could only mean one thing...

"Hello, Samual house hold. How can I help, Ms... Ms... Ms Canbary... How is she?" Mum! "Arrrrrrr, that's ... Yeah that's... That's great. HOW LONG!... Oh ok, yep." Who knows what was being said on the other end, all I knew was mum was ok. And that she wouldn't be here for Vaughn's Birthday. Once again. I suppose it's not her fault it's cancers fault. My head began to throb, but I ignored it and carried on drinking the water, telling my dad what to do to make Vaughn's favourite breakfast. Getting to my feet I suddenly feel light headed but I just ignored again and ran up the stairs my bedroom felt cold, I walked to my bed and reached under grabbing a blue and green stripped parcel, neatly wrapped with a bow on top and and envelope on top saying: to the best bro ever!

I gently and slowly carry it down the stairs and place it to one side of his place at the table, my dad nearly finished with the breakfast tells me to wake my brother up. I walk up the stairs, once again, and head to the grey door right at the back, with a label saying keep out on it. First I knock, then I take a deep breath and hold it as I twist the door handle and ease the door open. The floor is layered with clean and dirty clothes, thick layers of dust piled up on the the window sill, his murky blue blind pulled down as far as it could so that the only light came from the hallway. I walk in and pull up the blind, letting the hazy morning light shine in. His groans and mutters. I say, deliberately loud: "Happy Birthday, big brother!" Again he moans and groans, then sits up and gives me his best morning smile. "Well..." I say. "Hurry up and come down stairs." He pushes his sheets to one side and slides into a sideway sitting position so that he now faced the door, grabbing at the glass beside him he gulps down the water, then picks up his phone. The time currently read 7:06. He stood up and quickly ushered me out the room, it was another 10 minutes before he came down and by that time everything was definitely done and ready. He had come down with his bag which now lay at his feet, "Here." I say shoving the parcel at him, he gives me a smile and then points at his breakfast.

By the time he finished his hand were greasy, so me being me I told him he had to wash his hands before touching his present. Carefully unwrapping his face just suddenly drops, "You didn't Kayla! Thank you so much."

"You deserve it. I thought well... If mum couldn't get you it I would."

"Thank you, so, so much." He sharply gets up and hugs me. "No we have to catch the bus!"

Then another day at school.


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