Chapter nine

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I walked into the kitchen to get my breakfast late in the morning, my brother and dad were already up, which I was not surprised at, but the look on there faces did surprise me. I rubbed my eyes to clear the sleep out and sat down at the table my dad ask what I want for breakfast, then mumbled a few words to Vaughn then again, I hadn't forgotten anything, had I? Vaughn replied, mumbling more words, my face pulled a puzzled looked then looked down at the bowl of cereal my dad had just given me.

"What's that all about? You do know I am right here."

"We are not sure to tell you, knowing how much you worry and all." my dad says now looking extremely worried.

"It most be something really bad. You can't just not tell me now, that just wouldn't be right!" my voice now aggressive and stiff.

"Kayla..." Vaughn turned to me. "Look we don't mean to offend you or wined you up. We just think it's best we don't tell just yet."

"But if it that bad..." my voice beginning to tremble, I breathed in. "If it's that bad you going to have tell sooner or later."

"Yes! Yes; and we will."

"Just not right now, right here." my dad interrupted. "Now stop your worrying and hurry up and get ready we are going out for the afternoon to change the atmosphere." Shovelling as much as my body could take in at once, I gulf down my breakfast and then ran up the stairs and straight into my bedroom. I picked out a blue butterfly top and some cute cream coloured leggings. Then picking up mum's golden bird necklace I reattached it round my neck; brushed my hair and braided it into two French plaits, each with little blue bows at the end of it. All done! I headed down our wooden staircase and back into the kitchen, were my dad chucks a pair of dirty walking boots at me- great we are going for a walk -I undo the pre tied laces and slide my foot into then. The soul thick and chunky. The weight heavy and they felt ever so, ever so cold. Cold and damp.

We drove for 23 minutes, till we arrived.

A giant hill but not a mountain, Vasepas Knott.

We enter a woody area, my hands were cold but that was normal for me. The trees seemed to surround me, twisting and weaving in and out.

Then we came to a clearing, were animals fed off the fresh green grass and flowers grew everywhere. The hill suddenly became steeper and harder, I found my self breathing heavier. My nose tingles as the brisk, spring wind hit against it. My ears tuned in the noises around; the birds, the cattle, the crickets, the whoosh of the wind.


All that came to my mind was beautiful.


When home I was glad to remove my walking boots that had started to rub on my heels. My dad had sat me in the lounge, my brother up in his room and the atmosphere was tense and uptight again.

"The doctors know what's wrong with mum."

"So they can help her!" my voice went high with excitement.

"Yes and no, Kayla your mum has a tumour in her oesophagus."

"What do you mean, she just got better." tears start to roll down my face.

"Your mum has cancer again, Kayla you ok?"

I was now completely sobbing, "Of course I am fine." I wipe my face. My dad comes over and hugs me.

"You got to be brave. Remember your mum has got through this before. She is strong."

"NO. No, she's weak she has just been through treatment. She weak. Dad, what if she doesn't make it?"

"Kayla don't say that. Don't even think that. She will be ok."

We sat there, I was crying and my dad was trying so hard to comfort me.

Why is it always me, why is it always my family?

Now mum is ill again.

And she is weak from treatment.

I closed my eyes and hugged my dad. He wasn't going any where.

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