Chapter six

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My alarms went off an hour earlier then it should of, I rubbed my sleepy eyes as if that would wake me up more. Not knowing what the time was I got out of bed my room was dark so I switched my light on which filled the room with a yellow glow. All seemed too quite but my brain didn't click that no one else was awake that is until I walked out my door into a empty black hallway. I remember breaking down and just crying, I propped myself in my doorway cuddling my knees; I felt so stupid. I didn't move.

I eventually walked down the stairs and picked up my cat Smoky; his black fur rubbing against my face and my body, covering me in strands of fur.


It was my last day of exams and I was heading towards the exam hall when I got stopped again but this time the person who stop me claimed to be Tyler's friend's sister.   She walks up and shouts in my face; I brush her away so she grabbed my arm, spun me around and slapped me. I felt my feelings giving up but I just carried on walking.

I just wanted to cry.


My heart racing, I couldn't eat, I didn't meet my friends, I just ran to the library during lunch.  Sinking my head into a book I felt the tears trickle down my face; I knew I was safe in there because Tyler and his friends were playing footy on the field.

I just cried.


The bell rang to tell everyone it was the end of lunch, my heart pounding I ran to my form room I didn't want to bump into anyone.

My form room was full of people but not my form mates just random people; Dakota walks up behind and hugs me. "Haven't seen you all lunch!" She said.

"Oh, right sorry had to do some homework."

"We could of helped you, you know!"

"Yeah I know but... but... I just need to do this alone. My dad is getting worried that I can't do it. That I only manage it if you help. So yeah."

"Well." Lizzie says interrupting us. "We can all walk to the next period together. Oh and the note on the door says form been moved to room 6." I was so relieved that I didn't have to walk alone along the paths.

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