Chapter nineteen

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At the end of 2 weeks, I was sad but relieved to go home, me and Vaughn both agreed mum would have loved this. But no one could have known she would have got another lot of cancer, and since she had just fought off one lot of cancer her body couldn't handle another lot.

On the fourth day of my holiday in Orlando I realised I hadn't got my necklace. At first I panicked I had lost it somewhere in the airport or in the hotel but soon realised I never put it on before getting in the car to go to airport. I remember that night I cried my self to sleep.


I laid in my back garden absorbing as much sun as possible. The necklace my bought me, hung loosely around my neck.


People are right life goes on, my mum might be gone but in spirit, I can almost tough her. And as much as I wish I know she won't come back, and I have accepted that. I wanted people to hear this story, however I didn't want to bore anyone so I am leaving her, on one fact look for the sunshine, not the darkness.

After that my life went on to be  quote on quote, normal. I always stay in touch with Dakota and Lizzie, I recently celebrated my 20th birthday and will soon be finishing uni.

One thing though that I didn't really explain was the bullying in the story, it was briefly looked at then, skimmed over a couple of times but nothing much. However, when I planned the storyline it was a bigger part. Because bullying does a lot of damage to people, and although in the story my friends didn't really notice, I want everyone who reads this to always ask twice and to keep their eyes open.

Sincerely Kayla

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