Chapter seventeen

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The window let the summer breeze pass through the house, the sun glittered on the street and the sound of children's laughter filled the air.

My dad scraped a match watching it light then chucking it on the pile of sticks. The flames grew fast and big and danced around, Dakota and Lizzie were with me playing tennis across my garden; Dakota was winning, Lizzie and I were losing. I didn't mind though, I was never good at tennis, and Dakota had lessons so I would be shocked if she wasn't good. It was our first week of summer, on the second week I was flying out to Orlando, Florida as a treat, from my dad; we stayed there for two weeks then traveled back to England, stayed home for four days and traveled out again. This time to East Portugal with Dakota and Lizzie's family, as a sort of late Birthday present to Dakota. We stayed there for 10 days and by the time got home we only had four days left of the holidays.

My dad cooked some meat of the bonfire he made, and we all sat around a garden table at the far end of the garden. The sun dazzled in the sky, and the blue sky shone, you could practically see the stars. The perfect moment in time.

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