A Message to The Reader

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If you have got this far, thank you. This is my first book that have completed, and now I realise you really need to have a plan because I didn't and things are not the best, I have missed many deadlines that I set, and yes this was meant to be posted on the 27 of December 2018. But in the end I finished and I hope you enjoyed it. My new book is planned and the first chapters will be coming out very soon; I will be doing updates for it 2 chapters a fortnight.  And this the book will be better because unlike last time I know what the ending is going to be, so I kind of know how to get there; or at least if I haven't planned that yet, I know where I am going.

This story was a sort of experiment and was never intended to be long, it was written so that it was like (older) Kayla was telling you.

So thank you again. Hope you read my next one.


A sneak peak at my next book:

"But it wasn't me. I wouldn't do that."

Walking Alone

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