Chapter thirteen

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The phone rang out in the hall way. Everyone looked at each other. No one dared answer.

"It will be mum." I said.

"I'll answer if you want, dad?" my brother asked.

"No, no it's fine. They'll want to speak to me."

I got up and left the room, I ventured up stairs where I sat in my bedroom on my bed. On the inside of me it felt like it was pounding to get out, screaming, whilst on the outside I was silent as tears drizzled down my rosey cheeks. I could hear the murmur of my dad downstairs. I walked to the door and pushed it close, then as my body fell against it I let gravity pull me down until I was sitting on the floor, huddled in a ball, against the door. I nuzzled my head into my knees. Footsteps crept up the narrow stairs and the murmurs had seemed to have ended; the footsteps sounded like they had stopped in front of my door and then a knock at my door sends shivers down my spine.

"Kayla..." it was my dad.

"I already know, she dead, isn't she?"

"Yes but Kayla..."

"I don't want to know!" I screeched as more tears flowed down my face.

"Let me in Kayla." I stumbled to my feet and opened the door. My dad waiting outside, he hugged me and kissed me. "Your mum passed away peacefully, just after we left they think. She was happy in her last minutes." I hold tight to my dad, squeezing everything out of I him, well maybe not everything but it felt like that.

Later Dakota came over to see how I was, we talked in the living room for hours then as it came nearer to nine my dad invited her to stay the night. So she pulled out her phone and rang her mum, of course the answer was yes, my dad told us we couldn't stay up too late otherwise he will be annoyed. Therefore we went up stairs and into my bedroom where I had left my phone; I picked it up, there was 5 missed call and 3 messages saying 'hi answer pls I want to know if u r ok' from Lizzie and 6 missed calls and one message from Tyler. I ring Lizzie first then Tyler, after I played board games with Dakota till 10:38, when Dakota's mum brought over her night stuff.


Dakota fell asleep before me, I laid with my eyes wide open thinking about everything.

I did fall asleep eventually. 

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