Chapter 5

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“Why couldn’t you just let me sulk?” I said to Erika.

She sighed and looked at me. “Look, you need this. We’ve been given a five day vacation, and you spent the yesterday moping in your room as The Script sang to you.”

I rolled my eyes; Erika had invited me to go to the mall with her to buy a gift for her cousins’ birthday.

“This or this?” she asked, holding up two different T-shirts.

I sighed. “Neither.”

“Jackie,” she complained, lowering the shirts.

I groaned. “I told you never to call me that.”

She laughed under her breath. “Okay, if you help me, I promise I’ll stop calling you that.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Nope, but it’ll be really helpful if you did and we can leave and you can go back to your little room ASAP,” she said.

“Now.” She raised both shirts. “Lord of the Rings T-shirt, or Deadpool T-shirt?”

I looked at the shirts. “Deadpool.”

She smiled and returned the LOTR shirt. “See. That wasn’t so bad.”

She paid for the shirt and we wandered around the mall for a while, drinking smoothies and looking at shops.

“Lucky today was a sale, huh?” Erika said, smiling.

I barely cared; I was too busy thinking about Anna……

She nudged me. “Dude, please, don’t give me that face. You know nobody likes to see you looking like that.”

It was true. I had a face that made others not talk to me. I always made it when I was sad or heart broken.

“I can’t help it, okay?” I said.

She smiled at me weakly, and patted my back. “It’s gonna be okay dude.”

I sighed. “How would you know? You just roll around in your little fantasy of rainbows and unicorns.”

She smiled.

“Hey, being weird is like being unique in your own way,” she said proudly. “So I don’t care if people say I should be in the mental hospital. You really can’t change who you are right?”

I shrugged. She was right, but I didn’t know how that would help me with Ann….

We rounded a corner and literally ran into a guy. Well, at least Erika did.

He had long shiny brown hair and wore a cap with a tow truck logo on it. He had a skinny build and was wearing really baggy clothes.

He ended up spilling coke on Erika and managed to make her trip and fall.

“Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t see you there.”

Erika shook her head and stared at the guy.

Uh oh. I only saw Erika give that look to one person, and that was her favorite EXO member, Kim Joonmyeon.

Erika stood up and looked at him. “No, i-it’s my fault. I should’ve looked where I was going.”

“No, it was me,” he said. “I was in a rush.”

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