Chapter 29

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“Where did you two head off to?” Mara asked, greeting us as she stepped between me and Chloe and wrapped an arm around the two of us. “It’s almost time to announce the prom king and queen.”

“Nowhere,” I said. “Just…..a small clearing in the woods.”

Me and Chloe exchanged a knowing look. Mara just stared at us like we were crazy, which we kinda were.

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever. C’mon, you still need to vote.”

She steered us to a small booth where a familiar sight greeted us.

“Hey,” Erika said, collecting votes with Sam. She wore a bright velvet gown and Sam wore a black suit and pink polo. He smiled and at us.

“Care to vote?” he asked, handing us 2 pieces of paper and a pen.

“What are the awards?” Chloe asked.

“Best dressed, Handsomest, Prettiest, Cutest couple, Prom king and queen,” Sam counted on his fingers.

I shrugged and handed me a ticket so I could vote. He handed one to Chloe too.

As soon as we were done, we left the booth.

We walked awkwardly to the dance floor, not knowing what to do.

Should I hold her hand? Ask her to dance? Damn, love is hard.

Before I could make a bone head move, the principal climbed up on stage.

The spotlight shone towards him as he adjusted the mic stand and cleared his throat.

“Good evening, Fourth Years!”

There was a loud cheer that erupted, filling the room with screams and applause.

“Okay, okay,” Sir Carlisle said, raising his hand for silence. The sounds died down.

“Now,” he continued. “First of all, I would like to congratulate the superb job of the Prom Committee, because if not for them, we would not be here tonight.”

There was a huge round of applause, and I saw Erika and Zelia Smiling.

Everyone kept quiet as Sir Carlisle continued his speech. “I stand before you all today, to announce the winner for the different contests for this evening.”

Another round of applause erupted as different students were handed awards and sashes; Best Dressed (Male), Best Dressed (Female), Killer Smile, School Crush (Male), School Crush (Female)….

I didn’t care. All I cared about was Chloe standing next to me, smiling, cheering, and laughing. A perfect moment.

Suddenly, I saw the student body turned to us and started cheering and clapping.

I stood there dumbfounded, looking over at Chloe for an explanation. All I got was a stumped look on her face.

I looked over and saw that everyone was motioning us to go to the stage. The crowd divided and the principal was awaiting us in front.

I swallowed a lump in my throat, and, together with Chloe, walked forward.

I saw some eyes on us from the crowd. Erika and Sam, smiling and giving us a thumbs up, Zelia and Song, who winked at us and smiled mischievously, Mara and Jeffrey, who just nodded. Then, I saw Anna and Logan, who muttered congratulations.

Still, my mind didn’t have a clue on what was happening. As we climbed the stairs, I muttered to Chloe, “Mind helping me out here?”

She just shook her head. “I don’t even know what’s going on!”

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