Chapter 30

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“So?! Are you two together now or……?”

“Mar, drop it,” I said, wiping away my tears.

Last night, me and Jack went to prom, were voted cutest couple, and danced together for one song, but it seemed like t would’ve lasted a life time. Perfect…..

Until of course I found out he and Anna were going out the next day.

Cue breaking glass!

Argh! Why?! He said he liked me! He said he would be the guy for me that wouldn’t make me cry….

So Why…..?

Are we a couple now?! Is he my boyfriend?! Am I his girlfriend?!

I rested my head. This was getting complicated….

Fortunately, my crazy best friend came to visit me in my room as I had melt down after melt down.

“I thought you told me you had decided, that the answer was clear,” Mara said, frowning.

“It is,” I complained.

“Then what are you still doing here?”

She looked at me as if I was an idiot. By now, I think I’ve lost enough brain cells to become one.

 “Wait, I thought Anna had a boyfriend,” she asked.

“Maybe they broke up,” I said, shrugging.

“How did you find out?” she asked.

I slammed the back of my head to the wall. “Zel texted me when she overheard them talking about their date. She seemed pretty upset and miffed, with a hint of disappointment.”

I laughed under my breath. “I guess she was really hoping for me and Jack to get together……”

I groaned and just sat there, not knowing what to do as I continued to cry.

“Why are you still here?!” Mara asked again.

I looked up at her. “What do you want from me?! Last night, I chose him!!! Now, he chose her! He chose the best friend over-“

“No he hasn’t,” Mara said, grabbing my gray vest with a hoodie, the gift from Jack.

She tossed it to me.

“Mar….,” I started, looking at it.

“Shut up,” she said, grabbing my black and blue sneakers and a white shirt. “Get dressed. You can still meet up with him.”

I blinked. “Mar, don’t. I said I wouldn’t….”

“He hasn’t chosen yet,” she said. Picking me up, she handed me the shirt. “He admitted himself to you. You haven’t.”

I blushed. She was right…..

I only let Jack tell me how he felt, but I never told him how I felt

My expression must’ve been really depressing since Mara gave me a sad smile and hugged me.

“Jackson’s an idiot. All he needs is a little push to set him on the right course,” she said, patting my back.

I nodded, took a deep breath and stepped back. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

Why in hells name was I doing this?!

Here I am, waiting outside of Vio’s Pizzeria, at 6:00 in the afternoon, waiting for Jack to come out so I can tell the idiot how much I love him.

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