Chapter 6

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I woke up, feeling dizzy and out of place. My head felt heavy and I had a stuffed nose.

I groaned. Damn it Jackson, why did you have to get me sick.

I rose out of bed, feeling like a zombie.

I slowly took a shower and put on my clothes, feeling slightly better to go to school, not better enough to enjoy it, though.

Stepping out of my room, I felt as if I could vomit on the spot. My head ached and I could feel the room spinning.

I knew that if I my parents found out I got sick, i might get Jack in trouble. I had to suck it up.

I was shuffling towards the kitchen when my phone rang.

I picked it up, and on the other end was Jackson.

“Hey,” he said through the speaker. He sounded winded. “Are you at school?”

“No,” I said, sounding odd because of my cold. “I’m sick you dope. This is your fault. Why are you calling me this early anyway?”

“Because we need to plan for the play,” he said.

I thought back to that stupid day that Jackson saved me from Mr. Martin, but it ended up becoming into a plot twist with us creating a play.

I groaned. “Oh god. I almost forgot about that.”

He remained silent for a while. “You don’t sound good. I’ll pick you up. Be sure to be outside of your house in about fifteen minutes. I’m on my way.”

He hung up his phone.

I groaned.

“What’s wrong?” my mom asked, stepping into the room. “You don’t look good.”

I gave her my best morning smile and said, “I’m….uh…..joining a play!”

Really, Chloe?  That was the best you got?

My mom looked confused. “You are?”

I nodded. “Yeah. I’m, getting into the…uh…..part of…a….sick girl. Yeah, that’s it.”

Mental face palm, that was pathetic. I’m screwed.

Much to my amazement, my mom’s face lit up. “Oh, that’s wonderful, hon, you’re finally showing some initiative.”

I shook my head. “You bet.”

I finished my cereal and walked out of the kitchen to grab my bag from the living room.

The room was a mess. It looked like a dump truck decided to drop all of the garbage in our living room.

It smelled like a mixture of hair gel, perfume, cheese dip, and hair products. The smell of four very destructive teens.

I sighed. As usual, I had to clean all of this up when I got home. The youngest always did have a suckish job. I was tasked to clean the living room today, and of course, my siblings had to be as obnoxious as ever.

My mom peeked into the room. “Oh my, I thought they were cleaning this room up, not the opposite.”

I sighed and walked over to my bag, which was in a corner that was the cleanest of the room.

Ha ha. They knew better than to touch my bag. They may be bigger, but I’m a demon when it comes to my stuff.

I picked up my bag and kissed my mom. “Bye.”

She looked at the mess. “Chloe, if you want, I can clean it up before you get home.”

I shook my head. “No mom let me. It’s my day.”

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