Chapter 20

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Of course, if I told my friends and family my healthy experience with Insane Dwayne, they’d think I had gone mentally insane because of Chloe, so, I decided to keep it to myself.

I kept the jacket and the pen. If that guy really was real, then he’d either be finding them, or giving it to me. Whatever the case, I’m keeping them until……..well, until I have a good reason not to.

I entered campus and wasn’t surprised to see Anna was the first to greet me, and she wasn’t alone.

Logan Sun was a guy with a thick mop of mousy brown hair and sky blue eyes and red rimmed glasses. He was a nice guy, and he and I sometimes joked around in class.

“Hey,” Anna said, giving me a faint smile.

“Hey yourself,” I said. I looked at Logan, and he gave me a nod and a bright smile.

“Sorry about yesterday,” I said. “I shouldn’t have left you.”

“It’s fine,” she said. “Luckily, Logan was there to give me a ride home.”

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Logan, who just blushed and pretended not to hear our conversation.

“I’m glad,” I said. “I’m headed to class, you wanna…”

“Um, actually….,” he r voice trailed off.

“She and I are going to the library,” Logan perked up.

I looked at her, then at Logan, than back at her. The little gears were running in my head, and soon, it had dawned on me.

“Oh!” I said, smiling widely. “Well, okay, have fun you two.”

I walked past them and leaned in on Logan. “Hurt her and I break you,” I whispered.

He looked at me, expecting to see I was joking, but I was dead serious. He swallowed and nodded.

“See ya,” I said, waving goodbye as I walked away.

“Well, well, looks like someone learned to Let it go,” Michael sang. He was leaning on the lockers.

“No bro, no. Not even,” I said, shaking my head.

He laughed as I opened my locker and grabbed some books.

“So, I guess you’ve finally give up on Ann, huh?”

I closed my locker and smiled at him. “Yeah, I guess I have…”

“Woah, you don’t sound like it bro,” he said, eyeing me suspiciously.

“I am,” I said exasperated. “At least, I think I am……”

He groaned and face palmed. “You better get your shit together, bro, or you’re gonna lose them all.”

“I have,” I said, as we walked to class. “And I’m just as confused as ever.”

The day went on. I couldn’t help but stare at Chloe from afar. I wanted to talk to her, but at the same time, i was scared. I mean, what do I say?! A simple hi wouldn’t be enough after what happened….

The bell rang and I chased after Chloe, who was always the first to leave the room.

“Hey, wait up!” I heard Michael called, but I ignored him and ran after her.

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