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*just wanted to say that i do not ship fillie anymore. the only reason i'm writing this is for you guys who still do*

It was when my dad dropped me off in his ratty old pick up truck when I saw her. Well not for the first time, but for the first time since eighth grade. I mean sure I've seen her pics on Instagram this whole summer, but not in real life. She was talking with her friends, Lilia and Maddie. Her golden hair rested just below her shoulders and the sun was hitting her perfectly.

I sighed and shook my head. A beautiful rich girl like her would never look at me twice. Plus she had a boyfriend. I walked right past her, trying my best not to look at her, and walked through the doors of high school. It felt good to say that I'm in high school now. I've been waiting to say that for so long and now here I am, right at it's doors. Literally. There's always a pep rally on the first day of school so I headed there, already knowing that my best friend, Caleb, was already in the gym. He has to be early to everything for some reason. I spotted him at the top row with his arm around Sadie, his girlfriend, and Sadie's best friend, Millie, sitting there awkwardly.

"Hey guys." I greeted them taking my back pack off my back and placing it in my lap.

"Hey." they all said dully. I couldn't blame them, it was the first day of school.

"So tell me Caleb why we always have to get to places ten minutes early?" I asked.

Caleb rolled his eyes, "Better be early then late, Finn. Plus people start piling into pep rallies five minutes before it actually starts so they can get good seats, so we technically only have to wait five minutes."

Sure enough Caleb was right (like he usually is) and people started coming into the gym in the next five minutes. Soon chatter echoed through out the whole gym. Suddenly I remembered to ask Caleb about his schedule.

"Caleb! You have to show me your schedule. We don't know if we have any classes together." I pat Caleb on the arm but he couldn't keep his eyes of of Sadie. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Caleb?" I said annoyed.

"Sorry," Caleb apologized, "I was just admiring my beautiful girlfriend." he smiled at Sadie who smiled back a kissed him on the cheek.

"Aww babe." she said and laid her head on his shoulder.

They were so cute, and I envied their relationship. If only Iris were single.

"Y'all are cute." Millie said her first word to me today, "I wish I had a boyfriend." she said very loud so that the end of the row could probably hear her.

"You said that awfully loud, Millie." Sadie laughed.

Millie shrugged and set her small hands under her legs, "Well maybe if the whole world could hear me someone would ask me." she looked at me for an odd reason.

"Both of us need to find someone, Millie." I said and Millie's face lit up as if to agree with me, "If only Iris was single." I sighed and Millie frowned. She probably felt bad for me.

All the sudden a curly haired boy turned around in front of me, "Didn't you hear? Iris and Jaeden broke up like ten minutes ago?"

I was shocked and I got butterflies in my stomach, "Really? How do you know this?"

The boy shrugged, "I hear everything. I'm always quiet and I guess I'm a goody two shoes so people think I'm not listening when I am, and people tell me a lot of things and trust me with it."

"Well thanks for telling me...?" I didn't know his name.

"Gaten." He shook my hand, "and no problem." he said and turned around for the pep rally was about to start.

Caleb slapped my arm, "You have to go for her, there are probably like a million other boys that want to ask her out."

"I know, I know." I suddenly felt pressured, "I just have to think of the perfect way to." I was so happy right now. I might actually have a chance with Iris. I looked back over to where Millie was sitting and she had gone back to not talking. She was staring at her feet and shaking her head. This girl must have a lot on her mind, she's always so shy.


I had been thinking of a way to ask Iris out the whole day, and I couldn't find out a way. Iris and I have barely spoken a word to each other, if I just went up and asked her she would say no because she barely knows me. I didn't pay attention in class at all because I was trying to think of everything I could do. Luckily since it's the first day of school the teachers didn't mind.

I walked out the doors at the end of the day when it hit me. I need a wing girl. Someone who knows Iris and is my friend. But who? My answer was at a table across the street at the coffee shop. Millie Brown.

Millie and Iris's moms are friends so they have to hang out sometimes, so she knows Iris, and Millie is kind of a friend of mine so she could help me. I cautiously crossed the street and walked over to Millie. Her short brown hair was tucked behind her ear and she was reading a book.

"Millie?" she looked up obviously not expecting it would be me for she quickly put her book away, "I need your help."


Hey guys! Wow it's been so long, but so short at the same time? Summer went by so fast. Writing is my therapy so I really wish I had my computer then to write. I did write a lot of story ideas though in my journal, so I'm excited to share those!

I really hope you guys like this story so far!


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