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hey hoes i'm back

"Why'd you do that?" she snapped at me.

"Do what?" I asked. I just got her a freaking date with a guy that a girl would probably swoon over.

"Get me a date with Elliot! I fucking hate that boy." she sat back in her seat and folded her arms in front of her chest. I've never seen her mad at me.

I'm confused. "You always say you want a boyfriend and that guy just asked you out." I say. That's logical right?

The waiter suddenly comes up and hands me the check. I look at the bill and sigh. One hundred and two dollars, I can't pay that, my parents would kill me.

"Not him! He's a douche bag. Couldn't you tell how bad I was trying to get out of that situation? God Finn, you're so stupid." Her cheeks are red and she won't even look at me.

I sit silent for a moment, feeling sick to my stomach because one: I can't pay this bill, and two: Millie will probably never help me with girls again.


"What." she says annoyed.

"I...I can't pay this." I say ashamed.

"Really Finn? Wow you're gonna be SUCH a good boyfriend one day. You won't pay for dinner, and you can't read a girls emotions." she sarcastically says.

I look down, "It's not that I won't pay for dinner, Millie, I don't have the money."

Her face suddenly has the look of guilt all over it. She grabs the check from me and hands her credit card to the waiter when he comes around.

"I'm sorry, Finn. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I just can't stand that boy. Thanks for trying to help out though, that was sweet of you." she finally looks at me, with those big brown eyes of hers. She looks genuinely sorry.

"It's fine, sorry I can't pay." I bite my lip. Sorry I'm not rich.

We sit in silence for a moment, and it's after that Millie has payed that she breaks it. "May I ask Finn, do you really have a Porsche?"

I shake my head, "I don't. I just didn't want to look like a loser."

"See, I told you he's a jerk. But did you see the look on his face when you told him you did have one? It was great." she smiles, for the first time in ten minutes.

I smile too, "Yeah, it was pretty great."

We say our goodbyes, for my dad is here and Millie says her parents will be home soon, but when we get outside, I see she has her purple bike. I forget she sneaked out again.

"You're gonna ride that to your house?" I ask. That seems like it would take awhile to get home.

"Yeah, my house is just a couple of miles away." she states.

I grab the bike from her, "My dad can just drive you home." I offer.

"No, it's fine, I'll be fine-"

"Come on, it's the least I could do for you tonight. I insist." I cut her off.

I hop in the front of the pickup truck while Millie sits in the bike. I'm a little surprised that she didn't look around in disgust, as most girls would, but instead she greeted my dad and introduced herself.

Millie told me her address and when we pull up to her neighborhood, it's like I just entered a completely different dimension. I mean I knew that the people who lived in Loch Nora were rich, but not this rich. The houses have perfectly trimmed hedges and are all mansions with two stories. A guy like me could never fit in here.

"My house is right up here." she points to a white brick house with a three car garage. It's probably the biggest house in the neighborhood. "Thanks for the ride, Finn." she grabs her bike and heads inside her house.

"She your girlfriend?" my dad asks.

"No, just a friend." I say as we head out of this wonderland.

"You should ask her out. She seems like a lovely girl."

Of course my dad would say that. If he thinks Millie is lovely, wait until he meets Iris.



lmao y'all don't care but i'm gonna give and explanation to why i was gone anyways. i decided to take a break for my mental health. i've been struggling for the past few months and my life became consumed with literally sitting in my room and just crying over situations i could not fix. i then realized i needed to stop getting upset and just live life, and that's what ive been doing. then finals came and my time became consumed with studying for those, and now it's christmas break and i have time to update. sorry it took so long and thanks to those who have still continued to follow me and hopefully read this chapter.

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