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"How was skipping school today, young lady?" my mom asks me when she gets home from work.

I bite my lip, "What do you mean?" I play dumb, as if even that could get me out of the amount of trouble I'm going to be in.

"Oh ok, so now you're lying to me? The school called me saying that you weren't in school after first period."

"I'm sorry mom, but I was really upset about something, so I ran out. But mom, someone attacked me and I don't know who! They...they put a gun to my head and asked for all my money." I say, hoping this will get me into less trouble. I point to my bandaged arms and legs, showing her proof.

My mom shakes her head, "Well if you didn't run out of school then you wouldn't have had that problem now would we? Who was it, I'll file a report. This doesn't mean you're not in any less trouble." she says.

I'm glad that she wants to file a report, but I know that I'm going to get in trouble. It's inevitable in this house.

"I don't know what he looked like. He was wearing a mask and had I could see strands of blond hair peaking through. He had blue eyes too."

My mom wrote down what I described on a notepad. "You're grounded for two weeks." she says finally, and walks into the living room, leaving me alone in the kitchen.


I sit at my table in lunch with Sadie and Gaten.

"Where'd you go yesterday? You just ditched school or something." Sadie said the second we sat down.

"Well I ditched school because I was upset, but then I was held at gun point. Can't you see the bruises that I tried to hide with concealer?" I point to my face.

Sadie and Gaten's jaw dropped, "Holy shit! Are you okay? Did you die?" Gaten asks. Sadie gave him a look that said 'think about what you just said'.

"Yeah I'm fine. Finn found me and saved my life." I said casually.

"Oh my gosh. Your crush of two years saved your life. He is TOTALLY in love with you!" Sadie contends.

I frown, "No, I yelled at him before that, which is why I stormed out, and he went after me. That was his way of apologizing for being a douche. We're just friends. After all he's in love with Iris."

Sadie raises her eyebrows, looking over at the table across the room, "Oh really? Because Finn just can't keep his eyes off you." she gestures over to the table.

I turn back in my chair to see Finn's brown eyes looking directly into mine. He quickly looks down and back to Iris, placing his hand on hers. 'Make little gestures until then, hinting that you like her' my own words ring through my head. I can see he's taking my advice.

I shrug, "Probably just wants more advice."

"Well he's looking at you again." Gaten grins.

I turn around once more, to see that he is indeed staring at me. He quickly looks down again, pretending like he wasn't looking at me. "Guys, be real, he doesn't like me. No guy ever would."

Just then we hear yelling from across the cafeteria. The three of us look to see Caleb and Finn standing up, very angry.

Sadie and I quickly run over there, wanting to see what's going on.

"What did you say to me?!" Caleb asks, anger rises in his voice.

"I said that you won't sit with us. You hurt Sadie and left her for some slut. I can't be seen with someone who hurts my friends." Finn fires back.

"Or else what?" Caleb scoffs.

In the blink of an eye, Finn tackles Caleb to the ground, throwing punches.

"Get off him!" I yell, running up closer to the fight. "Finn you're better than this!" I scream, hoping he'll get off. It's almost something you'd see in a movie. Where the guys fight over a girl and the girl stands there trying to get them to stop. Only it's not, because the girl is trying to stop a fight over who sits where.

I pull Finn's shirt, when he tries to resist. Sadie rushes over, helping me get Finn off of Caleb. We pull him off and he looks around, seeing the ruckus he's caused. "Finn calm down." I hold his face in my hands, making him look at me.

"Finn Wolfhard to the principal's office." we hear over the speakers. I pat him on the back and he sighs, walking off.

I look over at Caleb on the ground, his face bloody and bruised. "He deserved it." Sadie says next to me. I nod, glad that Caleb got what he deserved.


Any guesses to who tried to rob Millie?

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