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I walk out of the principal's office, and am greeted by Iris, "Oh my gosh!" she runs up and gives me a tight hug, "You beat up Caleb and won! I didn't expect that from you!" she takes my hand in hers, "That's so brave of you." she bites her lip.

My heart would usually leap out of my chest when she touches me, but for some reason it doesn't. I kind of just stand there and fake a smile, for she's squeezing my hand a little too hard.

"Wanna, I don't know, maybe go out this Friday?" she asks, her green eyes look straight into mine. This is it. She's asking me out.

Why am I not as excited as I should be? This is the moment I've been waiting for since I started liking her. Yet all I do is stutter out, "S-sure..... um where??" I scratch my head.

"Pick me up at my house at six" she stands on her toes and kisses my cheek, "I'll see you later Finnie." she runs off.

I don't understand. Why am I kind of dreading this? Why didn't that tiny kiss on my cheek make me like her ten times more?

I spot Millie out of the corner of my eye, walking with Sadie. Her short hair is in a low pony tail and she wears her glasses today. I will admit that she looks cute. I need to talk to her.

I race over to her. "Hey Millie." I grin.

She looks up to me and instantly starts fidgeting with her clothes. "Oh hey Finn. Are you okay from the fight?"

"Yeah, you got Caleb really good. Thanks by the way" Sadie chimes in.

It's so nice for Millie to ask if I'm okay. Iris just came up to me and said I was brave, but Millie seems like she genuinely cares about me. "Oh you're welcome, and I'm fine. Thanks for pulling me off of Caleb guys, I don't know what I would have done to him if you didn't do that." I say to both of them, but mainly look at Millie. If it wasn't for Millie, I wouldn't have calmed down.

"What's your punishment?" Millie breaks the silence and folds her arms over her chest.

"Oh I have detention for a month." I sigh.

"Yikes. That sucks."Sadie says, with Millie nodding beside her.

I remember my upcoming date with Iris, and say, "Oh guess what Millie? Iris asked me out." I try to make myself feel excited.

"Oh." Millie frowns, biting her lip and looking over to Sadie. "That's great." she smiles, but I can tell it's forced.

"I need your help. I've never been on a date before and I have no idea what to do. What do you say wing girl?" I ask, hopeful that she wants to hang out. Anytime I hang out with her or get to see her, I instantly get happy.

"I mean, I've only been on one terrible date before so I don't know how I'm going to help." she shrugs.

"Well still. You know what girls like." I beg.

She looks at Sadie, who gestures her to speak to me. Millie rolls her eyes, puts on a smile, and sighs,"Sure. Meet me tomorrow night at Lily pad lake. I'll text you a time."

I smile and thank her, "I'll see you tomorrow then."

Millie nods, "Yup.Bye Finnie." and walks off.

Odd. Millie and Iris both called me Finne, yet I liked the nickname coming from Millie more than Iris.


So there's only a couple more chapters in this story. Oh and THANKS SO MUCH FOR 1K. if you told me a year ago when I started wattpad that I'd reach 1k, i'd think you're crazy. i kinda thought no one would like my stories lol. I'm working on some more stories so that when this one's over there's more. thanks so much!

make sure to like and comment if you liked this chapter!

-E <3

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