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Mr. Heaton's English class makes me want to scream, especially when it's the first class on a Monday morning. I sit in there for an hour listening to him ramble on about some of the greatest authors of all time. I honestly could care less. I looked next to me and saw Millie. She took notes diligently with her reading glasses sitting at the tip of her nose. I need to talk to her today. A couple days ago at the party, I tried to get Iris's attention, but she was too busy fooling around with other boys. I didn't stand out, and I need to. I grab a sticky note from my backpack that's beside me. I scribble, "meet me at the coffee shop after school? need help with Iris" and discretely pass it over to her.

I watch as she examines the note and rolls her eyes, and crumbles it up, going back to her notes.

I frown, and mouth "why?" over at her, in which she rolls her eyes. Before I know it, the bell rings, ending the class. Great, now I can talk to Millie for real, but before I get a chance, she rushes out the door and to her locker.

"Millie!" I say rushing over to her. She notices me and starts to walk away. "Millie." I grab her.

"Go away, Finn." she says pushing me away. She wasn't even this mad at me when I asked that boy out for her.

"What's your fucking deal? You on your period or something?" I ask.

She turns around slowly, her face red. "Oh what's my deal?" she scoffs, "How could you Finn? You and Caleb abandon Sadie and I, yet you seems to only come for me when you need help with your girl issues? Oh and on top of that you let Caleb cheat on Sadie? I know the story, you helped Caleb get with Maddie. How could you Finn, I thought we were friends." her eyes start to water and she runs out the doors of the school.

I feel terrible. I didn't know she felt this way, or that Sadie knew about Caleb and Maddie. I knew Caleb had a girlfriend, yet I encouraged him to get with Maddie. I decided to run after her. I let all this happen and it's wrecked our friendship.

I run to the coffee shop, that's the only place she could be. I walk in seeing the barista and a couple of random people, but no Millie. "Excuse me," I say tot he barista, "Did a girl with brown hair and eyes wearing leggings and a converse sweatshirt walk in here?" I described.

She shook her head, "No, sorry hun." she shrugged her shoulders.

I walked out of the coffee shop with my hands in my jean pockets shaking my head. I need to apologize, I have been terrible to her when she's quit everything to help me. I've given up when I hear a scream in the alleyway behind the coffee shop.

"Help!" I hear a familiar British accent and my eyes go wide. I run towards the direction of the scream and see Millie standing there with a gun to her head. She's shaking as someone about as tall as me is begging for her money.

"I don't have anything." her voice shakes, "Please let me go." she says, almost quiet enough so I can't hear her.

"Don't lie to me rich girl! I know you have money, your family's loaded." he says.

"Hey!" I yell reluctantly, "Let go of her!" The crook looks over at me. I gulp, nervous of what might happen. The criminal puts down the gun for a couple of seconds, Millie looks at me so I yell at her to run, in which she sprints.

I take the pocket knife I keep with me out of my backpack and run towards him. I've never fought with anyone, and I'm not strong enough to win. "I will stab you!" I threaten, coming closer to him.

He drops the gun, noticing my knife, "I was never going to shoot her." his voice shakes, "I just wanted some money and needed to scare her."

"Oh yeah." I say, close enough to the point where I could stab him if I wanted to, "Never come near my friends again. Do you understand?" I look him deep in the eyes with my knife close to his throat.

He nods and waits until I move my knife away from his throat, but before he can get the chance to run, I punched him, straight in the face. He grunts before running off. I stand there, smiling to myself. I scared him off.

"Finn?" I hear a trembling voice and look behind me. It's Millie. Bruises are starting to form on her face, and scrapes are placed all over her body. Tears run down her face and her hoodie and leggings are ripped.

"Oh my god." I run over to her and hug her. "I'm so sorry." I apologize, "This is all my fault. If I never just abandoned you."

"Thank you," she ignores my apology, "for saving my life." she cries, not letting go of me.

I examine her. She's pretty beat up, "We need to get you bandaged up." I think for a moment. We'd have to ditch school, but I suggest, "We're going to my house. My parents are at work."

"But we'd be ditching-"

"You're hurt. You can't go back looking like that. Plus who will care? We just missed second period." I grab her hand. My home isn't far, just a ten minute walk.

She nods, squeezing my hand. Never thought that my first time skipping school would be with Millie Brown.


Sorry that this chapter sucks. If for some reason you liked it, you should vote and comment! lol

HAPPY NEW YEAR! wow. 2018 went by so fast. It was also probably the worst year too. i'm not going to talk about the bad things, so here are some good things. i met millie and noah, visited a new country, made a new friend group, became obsessed with the sister squad, and had lots of little moments with some of my favorite people. i really hope 2019 is better!

OMG CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE NEW ST POSTER THAT CAME OUT LAST NIGHT? i was scrolling through instagram last night when i saw it. i actually started crying in front of everyone at the new years party i was at. im so excited for july!

xoxo, E

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