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Sadie glared at the table all the way across the lunch room. She watched as Caleb laughed with the popular girls, who were clearly all over him. "Uggg, I can't believe him!" she said slamming her fists down on the table, "He's been so distant and won't even talk to me. I just want to go over there and slap him."

I looked over at the table, but instead of looking at Caleb, I looked at Finn. He sat next to Iris and Caleb, the whole table being the loudest in the room. I am glad that Finn is happy and becoming closer with Iris, but I can't stop the pit of jealousy in my stomach. I did this. For Sadie and I, and it's eating us up. Maybe it was a mistake helping Finn with girls, but I thought he'd fall in love with me in the end and realize it was always me. Obviously that didn't happen.

"I'm sorry Sadie." I patted her back to reassure her everything would be okay, when someone sat down at our table. That was odd considering that the only people who ever sat here were me, Sadie, Caleb, or Finn. I looked at the other side of me to see a curly haired boy with bright blue eyes. I remember him, the boy from the pep rally.

"Mind if I sit here?" he asked, seemed as if it was more of a demand since he was already sitting down with us.

"Sure." I said, "Gaten, right?" I took a bite of the untouched apple on my tray.

He nodded, "Yeah, and you're Millie and Sadie."

We both nodded, and Sadie went back onto rambling about Caleb. "What a jerk. You know we date for two years and the second he sees a chance to be popular, he takes it and ditches me in the process. I just wish I could get a chance to talk to him without being interrupted, because he sure as hell won't call me." She sighed and sunk down in her chair.

"Who, Caleb?" Gaten spoke up.

"Yeah, why do you care?" Sadie fired back, a little upset that he eavesdropped on our conversation.

"Because, he's going to Wyatt Oleff's party tonight. You could maybe talk to him there." he suggested.

Wyatt was a junior, and always threw the biggest parties in town. Everyone couldn't wait to be a freshman for once you were in ninth grade, you were automatically invited. Most people went to get drunk or lose their virginity when they went to these parties. You can imagine the talk between the ninth graders when Wyatt announced this was the first party of the year.

"Oh yeah, that's right." Sadie said cheering up a bit, "Millie you should come with me."

I shook my head, "Can't."

Sadie furrowed her eyebrows, "Why not?"

I rolled my eyes, "Because remember? I have that date with Elliot tonight."

"Eww, that stinks for you." I nodded in agreement. Sadie hadn't even met the guy and knew he was a douche.

"I'll go with you." Gaten said hesitantly.

"Really?" Sadie smiled.

"Sure. I mean I have nothing better to do." he shrugged his shoulders and took a sop of his soda.

Sadie squealed, "Thank you so much! I need to talk to him and I was definitely not going to party alone."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad I wasn't able to go to this party. Sadie and I had always talked about going together and getting drunk for the first time at this party.

The bell rang throughout the cafeteria signaling us to head to class. I tapped Sadie on the shoulder, "Promise me you won't get drunk at this party." I asked.

"I won't! I promise. We're definitely going to his next party though." she insisted. I smiled and headed to class.


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