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I rode my bike to school today for the first time. My parents couldn't take me because my dad is on a business trip and my mom's at work.

I locked my bike to the bike rack and spotted my friend, Sadie, at the doors of school. It's our first day, which is a huge relief considering home life is so stressful. I have to be some proper young lady, so in other words I can't be myself. I can't wear what I want or be who I am. If I do one thing wrong, I get grounded for weeks at a time.

"Sadie!" I called and ran to the doors giving my best friend a hug. We haven't seen each other since summer started, my parents don't like Sadie all that much and don't really allow me to hang around her. If you couldn't tell, my parents are strict.

"Millie!" she squealed with joy, "How was Paris?" she said asking about the family trip we took this summer.

"Stressful. I had to wear hairspray and my hair up everywhere I went, and I wore pounds of makeup."

"That's so unlike you." It really was. I don't like makeup and I'd prefer wearing band tees and jeans all the time.

We go into the gym and Sadie sees her boyfriend on the top row. She squeals and hurries up to meet him. I quickly follow and sit next to them, awkwardly as I hear Caleb telling Sadie all about his summer. Turns out he went to Guatemala for a month to help with schools there. I sit in silence until I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey guys." he says sitting down on the seat furthest from me, and butterflies fill my stomach. Finn Wolfhard. In other words the guy I've had a crush on ever since Caleb introduced him to Sadie and I when Sadie and him started dating. So almost a year ago?

I observe Finn as he talks to Caleb. He's changed a lot over the summer. For one his hair had gotten curlier and he's gotten taller. He has more freckles now and his voice has gotten deeper. Well he's changed over the summer, I sure haven't.

I got pulled out of my thoughts when I saw that Sadie and Caleb had become all lovey dovey to each other. I'm jealous that Sadie has the perfect boyfriend.

"Y'all are cute." I spoke, "I wish I had a boyfriend." I said loudly enough for Finn to hear me at the end of the row. Maybe then he would ask me out if he knew I was wishing for a boyfriend.

"You said that awfully loud." Sadie said, knowing that I was trying to get Finn's attention.

"Well maybe if the whole world could hear me, someone would ask me." I said looking at Finn, but he didn't notice. He just said,

"Both of us need to find someone, Millie." I got excited for those few seconds thinking that there was maybe a possibility he would ask me out, but then he said, "If only Iris was single." and my hopes died. That's right, Iris. I completely forgot that he's crazy obsessed with Iris. I see why though. Iris is perfect. I should know because I'm forced to spend almost everyday with her when my mom's not working, because Mrs. Apatow and my mom are best friends. Iris is pretty, smart, nice, funny, and just everything you'd want in a girl. I'm not.

Then a kid in my algebra class last year turned around and told Finn that Iris was in fact, single. I stared at my feet and shook my head. It's never me.


After school I decided that I was in desperate need for some coffee, so I biked across the street to the coffee shop. I sat down in my normal chair outside and started to read our book assigned for school. I know people will say that they hate the book tomorrow at school and I'll pretend like I hate it to, but I actually like the book. I love reading.

I was deep in my book when I heard my name.

"Millie?" I jumped for he frightened me. It was Finn. I quickly put my book away and pretended like I was not just reading, even though I obviously was. I didn't want Finn thinking I was some nerd.

"I need your help." he said. It didn't sound like a question, it sounded like a demand.

"Jeez Finn, you scared me." I said.

"Sorry I just really need your help." he said.

"For the homework?" I assumed. That's what everyone needs me for.

"No," he said and paused, "I need your help on getting Iris to like me."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. Why would I do that? Help my crush with another girl? Is this what my life has come to?

"Sorry, no." I said angrily and was about to get up and leave before he tugged on my arm.

"Please? You know Iris better then me and I really want her to like me. More then anything in the world." he begged as he held on to my arm.

I didn't want to help him. That would be like helping a killer plan out your own death. He was lovesick for Iris, and I was lovesick for him. So I said, "Fine." Why did I say that? Maybe it was because his big brown eyes were pleading fore help. Or the fact that I like him and don't want to see him upset. "Meet me at lily pad lake tomorrow at five. On the dot, no sooner, no later." I said and walked away. I know he's using me to get to Iris, but it's kinda nice that I'll get to hang out with him.


Hope you guys liked this chapter! Sorry I haven't updated in a week, I have so much homework and I hate it. Make sure to vote and comment if you liked this chapter!


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