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School sucks. My family sucks. Life sucks.

Ninth grade is so much pressure, way more than middle school. More studying, more homework, and more drama. My parents have me studying from when I get home to when I go to bed. I get no free time. It's miserable. On the weekends, I go to family events where my parents make me get dressed up all fancy and watch as another one of my family member accepts some award, or say some speech, or anything.

Guys have asked me out at those events. "Look! Little Millie has grown up!"they say. It's like I've glown up over summer supposedly. They don't know the real me. I don't wear make up or sit up straight and have perfect table manners. I like nerdy stuff, I guess, and don't really care about my appearance, I guess that's why I don't catch anyone's attention in school. The only time I care is when I'm around Finn. Speaking of him, he hasn't talked to me in two weeks since we met up at the park. He doesn't even acknowledge me. He hangs out with Iris and her friends everyday. I guess my texting plan for them has worked. He even dragged Caleb to hang out with them. Poor Sadie never gets to see him anymore.

I'm at my locker when I get a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and my heart starts racing. It's Finn. "Hey... what are you doing here?" I ask messing with my clothes and hair suddenly trying to look presentable. I smile. My parents say smiling makes me look prettier.

"I need help." he gets straight to the point saying that he and Iris are friends now and he needs to ask her out soon. I roll my eyes. He doesn't talk to me for weeks, but now he needs help and he wants me to hang out with him? It makes me mad, but how can I be mad when I feel jealous and sad that he doesn't want me.

"When are you available?" he asks.

"I don't know." I say, "I can't hang out on week days and I have my cousin's wedding this weekend, and a baby shower for my aunt the next. After that I'll be free, unless my parents plan something for me after that." I make some excuses.

"Really? Can't you just sneak out again?" he begs, "I really need the first step on being a gentlemen so she'll want to go out with me."

I think for a moment before sighing and looking into his big brown eyes, "Sure. Dress fancy and meet me at The Rose." I say telling him to meet me at a fine dining restaurant. I have to teach him how to be a gentlemen at the table right? I mean it's very important. It's not something I look for in a guy, but I know Iris does.

He hesitates, "Isn't that expensive?"

"Yeah so?"

He looks down and frowns at his worn tennis shoes, "Nothing important."


I look in the mirror wearing one of my Kate Spade dresses. It's very simple. It's a smooth creme color with a tight black bow wrapped around my petite waist. I painted on some pink lip gloss on my lips, and a little mascara on my lashes. I hate the way I look. It doesn't look like me. I slip on some black flats, so at least my feet will be comfortable. This is the most fancy restaurant in our whole town, and you might see celebrities there from time to time. You don't go in wearing casual clothes. That's a mistake.

My parents are at a meeting and won't be home for three hours. Perfect.

I rode on my little purple bike all the way downtown to the restaurant. Finn's already waiting outside in a button down shirt, tie, and khakis. He looks so handsome.

We greet and he opens the door for me to go inside. Perfect, he already knows step one. When we sit down, however, he doesn't pull my chair out for me.

"So you already opened the door for me so that's perfect, but you didn't pull out my chair for me." I state.

He sets his elbows on the table, "That's a thing?"

"Yeah." I respond, looking at his elbows, "You also can't put your arms on the table. That's basic rule. How did you not know that?" I wonder. Growing up my parents never let me put my elbows on the table. They would give me punishment later if I did. I thought everyone knew that.

"Oh sorry. I didn't know." He just realizes to put his napkin in his lap after we order drinks. "Teach me all the table adequate." he broke our silence of five minutes. "Everything you know. To impress Iris."

So I do. I tell him which silver wear you use first, the b and d method for bread and drink, all the rules with soup bowls, which way you pass the food around the table, and just everything you'd need to know. I don't know why I'm helping him to be honest. I like him and I'm helping him get another girl? That makes no sense. Also I hate teaching manners. It's annoying. I already hear it from my mom and dad everyday, so teaching it to him makes me feel like I sound as if I were my parents.

We're just about done when someone walks up to our table. His blonde hair and blue eyes are too familiar for me. "Hi Millie." he greets with his British accent.

"Elliot." I fake smile plays on my lips, "What are you doing here?" I question. Elliot is my dad's best friend's son. I don't see him very often since Elliot is never at any of his dad's events, but I recently saw him at his sister's debutante ball. When I said that guys have asked me out at those events, I mean Elliot. Well Elliot was one of them. I haven't seen him in over a year and he asked me to dance. I wanted to say no but it's rude not to dance with someone. So I gave him one dance and excused myself to the ladies room where I stayed the rest of the night.

"I'm here for my mum's birthday dinner." he glares at Finn, "Who's this?"

"Finn Wolfhard, you are?"

"Elliot James." they shake hands.

Elliot laughs, a smirk on his face, "Were you the one driving that rusty old pickup truck outside?" he makes fun. "What type of person are you to be at a restaurant like this? Please tell me you aren't dating this fool, Millie?"

Finn frowns, "No we aren't dating, we're just friends, and that's my dad's pickup truck, not mine. My porche is getting repaired at the shop." his face goes red. I can tell he's trying to be polite but his anger is showing through.

Elliot ruffles his hair and licks his lips, "Okay then." he sighs defeated and turns to me, "So where were we. We left off where I was about to ask you out but before I could you ran to the bathroom. So what do you say."

I shake my head. I don't want to date him. He's so not my type. "Sorry no."

All the sudden, Finn pipes in, "Come on, Millie. You should go out with him. Haven't you wanted a boyfriend for the longest time?" he encourages.

I stare at him giving him the look to shut up right now, "Right."

"Great, I'll ask your dad the perfect time to take you out. Bye Millie." he nods with satisfaction before another word can leave my mouth.

Thanks Finn.


Hey guys. I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've been going through some friendship issues lately and I haven't been in the right mindset to write. I then went out of the country for a couple weeks and couldn't update then. So here's a chapter, finally after a month. Sorry again for the wait.

Vote and comment if you enjoyed please!


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