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Today's the day I go out with Iris. I met with Millie a couple days ago and I think I'm prepared for my first date ever. Iris agreed that we'd just walk to the movies. I'm scared that if my dad picked her up in the pick up truck, that she'd think I was a filthy poor person or something.

Millie and I haven't really talked in school, except for a few 'hi's when we see each other in the hallway. I was afraid this would happen. She was acting really weird the other night. She just randomly left without saying anything. I saw Sadie in the hallway and asked her what was wrong with Millie and why she was acting shady. Sadie's face turned bright red and she shrugged and said she didn't know. Sadie's a bad liar, because it was obvious she was lying.

Iris caught me waiting for my mom to pick me up at the end of the school day.

"Hey, Finnie." she cooed, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I'm excited for our date tonight, what are you wearing so that I can match."

I thought it was weird that she wanted to match and we were just going to a casual movie. "Oh, I'm wearing just a green sweater and some jeans." I told her.

She looked disgusted, "A sweater? Oh Finn honey, wear a button down and some khakis or something. And please don't wear green, I look terrible in that color. How about a blue?"

Why is she choosing what I wear? And why do I need to wear something nice? It's just a casual movie.

"See you tonight Finnie. I can't wait." she said, kissing me on the cheek like the other day. I'm glad she's excited for this date, because I'm not. I feel like I should be nervous or excited and usually I wouldn't care if she chose my outfit or whatever, I would've been honored that Iris asked me out, but I'm kind of annoyed with her.

I spot Millie across the sidewalk, and my heart starts racing, she's probably also waiting for a parent to come pick her up. "Hey, Mills." I sit next to her, now all the sudden happy. It's like I completely forgot my date with Iris.

She looks startled and looks down at the ground next to her, "Oh, hi." For some reason, I think she's tearing up, since she keeps sniffling.

"What's wrong?" I genuinely ask her.

"Oh nothing." she finally says, sitting up, "There's just this guy I've liked for awhile who I missed my chance with." she wipes her face with her sleeve.

"Who?" I hand her a tissue from my backpack.

She shakes her head, "You wouldn't know him. He goes to another school."

I frown, "Well, that guy's a jerk. I mean, you're amazing, any guy to turn you down would be an idiot. It's just one guy in your life. You'll get over him and move on to better people."

She shrugs, "Yeah, but he was perfect."

My mom pulls up to the curb, "See you later, Millie."

"Bye." her little voice replies.

I wish I could've sat there longer to help her feel better.


I'm almost at Iris's house, with red roses in my hands, when I stop in my tracks. What the hell am I doing? I don't even think I like Iris anymore, so why did I agree to go on this date with her? I look up to see Millie's house, right next to me. I think of how sad she was today, and over a boy? Who would do that to me.

I smile looking at her house and thinking that I'm just a couple yards away from her. My heart skips a beat and I shake my head. Why do I feel like this when I think of Millie?

Wait a second.

Do I like Millie?

No, you can't. You like Iris, Finn.

I then remember what Millie said about crushes, and little moments that have happened in the past week.

"She'll be excited at just the little things, any moment to see you or hang out with you makes her happy."

Anytime I hang out with her or get to see her, I instantly get happy.

"Or when you're in a crowded room or group, you'll be the one she looks for."

I spot Millie out of the corner of my eye, walking with Sadie.

"And if she looks at you when you're not looking just to get a glance at you."

I look over at her. I would never admit it, but she looks really cute in my old sweatpants and hoodie. Her hair is in a low pony tail with a couple of baby hairs sticking out. I watch as she plays a game on her phone, and when she loses gets frustrated. Any other boy might look at her weird for how she looks right now, but she looks beautiful to me.

It then hits me. Holy shit. I like Millie Bobby Brown, and I think she likes me back. Those hints she gave me is exactly what she's been doing to me these past few months. How stupid am I? How has she watched me go after Iris all this time without wanting to pull her hair out? I mentally face palm myself and realize that she was crying over me today.

I look at Iris's house, right next to Millie's, and wonder if I should even go out with Iris tonight, or knock on Millie's door and apologize to her for being such a jerk. I make my decision and go to her house.

My heart pounds as I knock on her door, patiently waiting and hoping that she answers.

When she answers the door, she looks as if she just woke from a nap, for her hair is all messy and she's wearing a hoodie and shorts. She's so pretty.

Millie raises an eyebrow and starts to ask me, "Finn, what are you doing her-" when I cut her off and pull her into a kiss.

She pulls away from me, shocked, "What was that for?" she says confused.

"I'm so sorry."

"For what?"

"For not realizing that I liked you soon-" this time it's not me cutting her off, it's the other way around. Her lips on mine, and her hands wrapped around my neck. Our lips fit together perfectly, and the fact that I'm supposed to be with Iris right now fades away. Right now, it's just the two of us, and that's the way I want it to be. I'm glad she agreed to be my wing girl.


So that's the end of Wing Girl. Thank you guys so much for all the support! It means so much to me that you guys take the time out of your day to actually read my stories.

I actually have a new story out called "cigarette daydreams". It's another fillie story and I'd really appreciate it if you'd maybe go check it out.

Love you guys lots, and thanks for everything.

xoxo, E

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