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His hand feels warm against my cold one. I know he's just being nice after I was just attacked, but I can't help my feelings for him. I examine his face. Do you ever just look at someone and immediately feel the urge to kiss them? Because that's how I feel in this moment. I can tell a lot is going though his head, for his eye brows are furrowed. We've been silent this whole time, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

"We're here." he says, gesturing to the brick house that stood in front of us. A one story house with no garage or driveway. We walk inside the house and I look around. It's a little bit of a mess, but still very cozy.

"Sorry that my house is a little... small compared to yours." he says.

I smile, "What are you talking about? I love it."

We stand there awkwardly, looking at the ground. "Here," he points to the couch, "Have a seat, I'll go get the first aid kit." He heads to the kitchen.

I sit down on the small couch and look around the room. Pictures of Finn and his family hang on the walls. I notice that he has an older brother who looks almost exactly like him.

Finn walks in the room, "Here, I have some bandages, neosporin, a wet wash cloth, and a pair of sweats since your leggings are ruined." he sits down on the couch next to me.

I roll up my jeans to start cleaning up my wounds, but before I can, Finn grabs my arm. "Let me do it. It's the least I can do."

He gently rubs my leg with the washcloth and applies the bandages, "Thanks." I say, "You're very kind."

Finn smiles and starts rubbing my forehead with the washcloth. I watch him as he focuses on helping me. He looks into my eyes suddenly and I could've sworn he was about to kiss me before he blinks and hands me the sweat pants and hoodie, "The bathroom's down the hall. It's the last one on the right."

When I get into the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror. I'm all bruised. Who could've done this to me? Who hates me so much to pull a gun to my head? I change and go out to the living room where Finn is.

"So, what do you want to do?" he asks. "We could watch a movie or something." he suggests.

"Sure. That'd be fine." I fold my arms over my chest as he flips through the channels. We settle on the Goonies which just started playing.

I stare at him as he watches the movie. Will he ever like me back?


Sorry this chapter is so short. I've been working on another story that I will release soon and I have to do Finn's POV for the story to make sense.

So I finished Sex Education today. It was sooooo good and I would 10/10 recommend.

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