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The movie finishes and it's 1:00. Two more hours until school gets out. I find it funny how a rich girl didn't comment on my small, cluttered house. Her house is a palace compared to this.

We sit in silence once i turn the TV off, because I really just don't know what to say. I look over at her. I would never admit it, but she looks really cute in my old sweatpants and hoodie. Her hair is in a low pony tail with a couple of baby hairs sticking out. I watch as she plays a game on her phone, and when she loses gets frustrated. Any other boy might look at her weird for how she looks right now, but she looks beautiful to me.

What are you doing Finn? You like Iris. There's no changing that, but there's also no deny that we had a little moment earlier when I was cleaning her face.

I break the silence and ask, "So how was your date with that douche." I smirk.

Millie playfully rolls her eyes and sighs, "Terrible. I'm still mad at you for getting me that date."

"I'm really sorry. What was so bad about it?" I curiously say.

She stops laughing and lays back in her spot on the sofa, "First he told me that I 'didn't try to look well for our date'. Then he kissed me, so I ran off." she folds her arms and looks down.

"Oh." I say, "I feel terrible."

She shrugs, picking at her chipped nails, "It's fine. I'm just a little pissed that my first kiss was with a douche bag."

I raise my eyebrows, "That was your first kiss?"

She nods, "I always hoped my first kiss would be with some boy who I like that likes me back, but guess not."

"I'm really sorry, Millie." I ruined her first kiss, something every girl dreams of. At least that's what my mom's told me. "If it makes you feel any better, my first kiss was a dare... and after I kissed her, she ran to the bathroom to wash out her mouth."

"Oh my god that's terrible." Millie giggles. She's cute when she giggles.

I shrug, "I also haven't really heard of anyone with a perfect first kiss. It's always awkward. Oh well, maybe the next people we kiss will be special to us."

She nods, "Yup. Hopefully."

We're quiet for awhile before Millie clears her throat, "Listen Finn, if you want me to help you get Iris, then I will. I mean you saved my life so anything to repay you."

"Really? You don't have to if you don't want to." I say hopefully.

"Yeah. So what do you need help with?"

I think for a moment. I'm just in the friend zone, so why would she say yes? But at the same time, there are tons of other boys that could be with her at the snap of her fingers. "I want to ask her out." I make my decision.

"That quick?" she questions.

"Yup, I'm sure of it."

Millie looks down. I can sense she's upset about something, but I don't want to ask. "Then you would have to make little gestures until then. Hinting that you like her, but not too much. Once she knows that you like her and you think there could be something between you, go for it."

"Well, how will I know if she likes me?" I ask.

Millie thinks for a moment, then smiles, "She'll be excited at just the little things, any moment to see you or hang out with you makes her happy. Or when you're in a crowded room or group, you'll be the one she looks for. And if she looks at you when you're not looking just to get a glance at you."

I can tell she's speaking from the heart. She knows what it feels like to like someone.

We talk a little bit more about the plan, when Millie says she better get back to her house for it's almost three. She doesn't want to look like she skipped school or that she was out somewhere else.

As she walks down the street, I shout, "See you later wing girl!"

I can't exactly see her face, but I know she's smiling by the way she's walking. She waves back before she's out of sight. For some reason, I can't wait to see her smiling face in the morning at school.


Sorry for all these short chapters, I'm working on another story atm. It's Mileven story that takes place four years after season two. Idk if anyone will wanna read it, but I'm excited about it.

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