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I stood in the parking lot of lily pad lake and waited for Millie. She said to be here on the dot, and well here I am, and she isn't even here. The parking lot is empty, I mean who would even come here on a Monday night? I start to text her number when a purple bike glides through the empty parking lot. Her short hair flies back in the wind as she smoothly hops off her bike, parking it in the bike rack.

"Good evening." she says as she walks over to me. She changed her outfit since school this morning. She's wearing a white t shirt with a long, red flowy skirt. She even put on a little makeup, which is kinda odd for her.

"You're late." I say, annoyed.

"First step," she points a finger at me, "never demand anything when dating someone. Instead ask, 'Why are you late?'. Isn't that more polite?" she says, kind of shy.

I think for a moment, "Okay? You got here late just so you could say that, didn't you?"

She shrugged, "Something like that." she looks over to the direction of the pond and grabs my hand, reluctantly, "Let's go." she says and directs us to a bench.

I sat down next to her and watched her observe the pond.

"Wow." she says in awe.

"What?" I'm confused.

When she realizes that I was watching her, she slumps back down and tucks her hair behind her ears. She says quietly, "I haven't been here in awhile, I forgot how pretty it was." she smiles.

"Really? I come here all the time."

"Yeah. My parents barely let me out of the house. They say I have to study. I sneaked out to come meet you." she looks down at her feet.

I nod and she changes the subject, "Give me your phone." she demands.

"I thought you said no demanding?" I ask her.

"We aren't dating are we?" she rhetorically asks.

I hand her my phone. It's a five which I know she'll make fun of. I mean everyone does. My parents just can't afford a new one.

"Password?" she asks not even commenting on it being old. She's the first person who's never done that.

"353315." I say. She nods and I watch her go to messages. She makes a new contact and puts a phone number in.

"That's Iris's phone number. Now text her, and don't be surprised if she doesn't answer immediately, she has people texting her constantly."

Woah, I feel so pressured, what do I say? I've never even talked to Iris in my life. What if she hates me? She probably doesn't know who I am. "Ummm no. She doesn't even know me."

She snatched the phone from my hands and I try to get it back, but she already texted her, 'hey'. "There, it's all on you now." she hands it back to me. Millie doesn't look like she's enjoying helping me at all. She's been rolling her eyes the whole time and I can see in her eyes that she's upset. I don't know what about though.

I look down at my phone. Shit. She replied.

Um who are you?

She replies.

I'm Finn.

Oh. Yeah you were in my Algebra class last year.

Holy shit, thank god. She knows who I am. That would of been awkward if she didn't.

"What should I say? She's not going to text back." I ask Millie who looks at me and tells me to just be myself.

"Ok." I say and start to text 'wyd' when she screams.

"No! Don't ever text that to a girl. 'Wyd' uggg it annoys the crap out of girls. It's the most boring thing you could ever text. In fact you should just delete that from your vocabulary." she explained. I didn't see how 'wyd' was so bad to say, it's a great conversation starter.

"Okay so then should I just ask her out already?"

"No!" she grabs the phone from me, "You have to befriend her first. She barely knows you so if you just asked her out, she would say no. You have to become her friend, make her fall in love with you, then ask her out. That's at least how I want me and my first boyfriend to be." she then took a selfie of us. She was doing a peace sign with her tongue between her teeth. I just did a normal peace sign with no expression. "I sent it to Iris saying I was hanging out with you. You guys can talk about me and that would hopefully lead to other conversations."

I nodded, took my phone back, and examined the selfie, "We actually look kinda good in this. I'm gonna save it for later."

After awhile of me texting Iris and her telling me what to text, we just talked and had our own conversation. Millie was actually really nice to talk to when she wasn't being shy.The night ended when Millie checked her watch and said that she really needed to go.

"Remember what I told you tonight. I won't always be there when you two text. It's all on you." she said.

"Yeah, I'll remember." she turned around to leave when I yelled, "Hey thanks for the tips!" she didn't turn around and instead gave a thumbs up. She no longer seemed sad.


Sorry this chapter is short. Homework this year is killing me. Literally. And we're just two weeks in. This weekend I went to the Taylor Swift concert and holy shit it was amazing. I went to her other concerts but it's been so long that I didn't remember. Yeah that's random but idk. I also included that thing about wyd because when people text me that I want to throw my phone out the window. Especially guys who claim they like me.

Hope ya'll liked this chapter! Please vote and comment if you liked it!


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