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I get home from school on Wednesday to see my mom and dad home, surprisingly early. Their faces have the look of disbelief on them and my mom's phone sits in front of them.

"Hey..." I walk in, not sure why they're home this early, "Um... why are you guys home at this time?" I ask, setting my backpack down on the counter.

"We just got a call...from the police department," my mom gulps, "It was Elliot."

I shake my head, not knowing what they're talking about, "What about him? What'd he do?" I roll my eyes just thinking of that douche bag.

"He was the one who held you at gun point." My dad speaks up.

My heart stops. What the hell? It was Elliot? But why would he do that?

"I'm so sorry, honey. " My dad places a hand on my shoulder, "The good news is that he's going to juvie for a year, unless you don't want him to-"

"No I want him to go to juvie," I interrupt, "I don't want him to hurt anyone else who turns him down." I feel some sort of closure now that I know it was him. I never have to talk or see his face again.


I ride my bike to Lily pad Lake, back to the place where this all started happening. Our first meeting of me being his wing girl was here, and now our last one is here.

I look into my phone camera, making sure one last time that I look presentable. I know that Finn and I will never work out, I mean, he got the girl he always wanted. I lost the chance of us the moment I agreed to helping him out. At least I got a good friend out of this, if he'll even pay attention to me when Iris and him are dating.

Finn rides into the parking lot, late, on a red bike. "Hey, why are you late mister?" I tease him.

He smiles as he walks up to me, "I thought you weren't supposed to be demanding and ask me politely?"

"You're late." he says, annoyed.

"First step," I point a finger at him, "never demand anything when dating someone. Instead ask, 'Why are you late?'. Isn't that more polite?"

"We aren't dating though, are we?" I grin, looking deep into his beautiful brown eyes. I need to stop thinking this way about him, he's not mine, he's Iris's, and I have to accept that. "You remembered our old conversation."

"Of course I did, these meeting are actually quite fun and I look forward to them." he smiles.

We sit at the same bench as before and I tell him what he should do on a date. "Hold her hand, and take it slow, unless she wants to skip to other steps fast. You know what I mean." I glare at him.

"So I shouldn't kiss her or anything unless I can tell she wants me to?" he asks.

I nod. I don't want to imagine them kissing or anything, because the thought of that makes me sad. I have to be happy for Finn, he's my friend. "Bring her flowers. I personally like red roses, because they symbolize love. I'm not sure what Iris likes, but I'd just to go with roses."

He nods and we sit in silence for a few moments. "I'm kind of sad." He says randomly.

"Oh." I look at him, "Why?"

"Because this is our last meeting. I feel like once Iris and I are a thing, she won't let me hang out with other girls. I've noticed that she's protective like that." he chuckles.

I nod, "Yeah, she kind of is." I look out at the lake, remembering how pretty it was two months ago when I came here for the first time in ages. "Every time I come here, I swear the lake gets prettier."

"Yeah it does." he says. I look over to him, expecting him to be looking at the lake, but instead of the lake, he's looking at me.

I blush but shake my head. I could never steal a guy from my friend. I get up, "I have to go."

Finn tilts his head, "Wait why?"

"It's almost dinner time and I need to get home before my parents notice that I'm gone." I'm being honest, but I really want to stay.

"See you later, Finn." I frown.

"See you, Mills."

As I walked home, I couldn't help but think that this was the end to our friendship. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'm going to miss being his wing girl.


One more chapter. Love you guys.

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