Chapter 28 -"changes"

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Song for chapter:
Never let me go - Florence the machine
( put on repeat )



Just two more days until my wedding, such a big change. In fact, it's a big step for me and i think this is how every person feels before marriage.

You have mixed emotions because even though you know the person you are getting married to but people after marriage change.

Most of them do unless if it was strong and real from the start.

You can rarely find a married couple that after 10 years still love each other the same like they used to in the beginning of their relationship.

Everytime they feel like their marriage is falling apart they have a kid that gets them close again for a temporary time. I don't want to be one of those couples. I want our love to be the thing that makes us strong and close. I of course wanna have kids but not have kids to stop my marriage from falling apart.

Until this moment i am still not sure about this whole marriage thing. And i still question is it because of Selena? Or was i lying to myself the whole time? But right now i know the answer, Its because of both reasons.

Selena never left my mind in the past five years and i hated how our relationship was doing to her, hated how I kept denying the love and affection that still lingered for her in my heart the last five years.

Diana was just a distraction from Selena so it was all about me lying to myself.

But also i still have faith in diana and i.

Taking a last look at the wedding decorations that Selena did, i just realized how creative she is. She always loved everything she did and is always passionate about whatever she does. When she loves something even though if it's a small thing, she loves it so dearly from the bottom of her heart and exerts extreme amount of effort in it. I admired the place in anticipation seeing how appealing  it looked. The colors looked great with the sunset which gave such a welcoming and calming mood.

I took a deep breath closing my eyes as the warm sudden gust of wind hits my face causing a few strands of my hair to follow on it. I opened my eyes when my phone started ringing in my pocket. I took it out looking at the screen to see my mom calling me.

"Hey mom." I said once i answered. "Hi sweetie sorry if i am bothering you but i wanna see you at my room." She said.

"Why so? Is something wrong?" I asked her. "No no everything is good i just want to talk to you." she told me.

"Okay i will be right there." I said and we said our goodbyes then i started walking back to the hotel. I got into the elevator then when it made a dinging sound i got out and started heading towards my mom and dad's room. i was gonna knock on the door but i saw that it was already opened so i entered closing the door behind me. I saw her sitting on the arm of the couch drinking a cup of coffee.

"Hi mom." I said causing her head to snap towards me a smile forming on her face when she saw me. I sat beside her and she went to put her cup in the sink then came back to me.

"Elijah, i want talk to you because I gave this talk to Vincent and it's your turn now." She informed. "So what is this some love advice talk." I joked causing her to chuckle softly.

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