Chapter 3 -"no promises"

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"Selena slow down on the fucking drink" Stephany said annoyed snatching the drink away from me. I was in a horrible state right now.

I never drink a lot but today i drank a lot. It's like I wanted to forget everything. Forget that I am in love with Elijah , forget that Elijah is getting married and forgot him.

"Do I look like I fucking care?" I raised my voice taking the drink away from her and drinking it feeling the warm burn of alcohol down my throat.

"Ten more please" I told the bartender and he gave me a disgusting look. "Are you kidding me? No more drinking" Stephany said then she told the bartender to cancel it.

I could barely see or think about anything. I told Stephany about about everything and we talked the entire party about it. I wasn't in the mood lift my weight to the dance floor or meet some new guys. I was a drunk mess.

"Selena you need to stop thinking about him. He moved on and you should deal with it and move on with your life too"

I rested my chin on the palm of my hand, my eyes half open trying to listen to her meaningless words. It won't help and she knows that.

"You know I can't. I freaking love him and this Diana girl is hotter than me and Elijah would choose her over me." I said and Stephany sat there watching me dramatically complain and almost cry but stopped myself by gulping another shot down my throat.

"He already did" Stephany said taking a sip from her drink.

"You are right" I mumbled to myself. I can't believe it. I never thought that Elijah would fall in love with someone else because the time when I saw Elijah he was always with me and never was he with anyone else. I guess I can't accept or comprehend that he is with someone else.

Stephany ended up taking me back home since I couldn't walk or drive. Most of the time she carried me. I know I am going to have the worse hangover tomorrow and I don't want Elijah to see me like this. Stephany put me on my bed and that was the last thing I remembered before completely falling asleep.


Seeing her after five years was like a dream. All I wanted was to explain to her why I left. I could see the tears in her eyes when she stood infront of me.

Of course she moved on. I caused her a lot of pain when I left.

I never thought that I would see her again. It was unbelievable seeing her in front of me, still the beautiful Selena that I knew. I couldn't get her out of my head, the moment our eyes met our whole history played in front of me.

I looked down at Diana who was sleeping on my chest. I do love Diana, I am literally getting married to the woman but I must admit I never had the connection that Selena and I had with her. Selena held a huge part of my life that I tossed away so easily.

I had to leave her. I didn't want to hurt her but looks like I did.

Diana is just the perfect girl that all eyes are on. I remember when I met her at a pool party four years ago. I fell in love with her but there was this thing in me that always wanted to be with Selena, always searched for Selena in Diana and always wished Diana was Selena.

Diana lifted her head up looking at me "why are you still awake?" Diana's sleepy voice asked. "I don't feel like sleeping. I thought you were sleeping." I replied.

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