All That You Can't Leave Behind

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Beth walked in Karen's Café but when she looks up and sees Lucas, she starts to leave, as Lucas chases after her.

"Beth. How long are we going to do this?" asked Lucas once he caught her outside.

"Do what?" asked Beth. 

"Avoid each other." said Lucas.

"You tell me. You're the one upset." said Beth crossing her arms over her chest.

"And you're the one who lied to me." said Lucas.

"I don't know what to say to you, Luke." said Beth shaking her head.

"Just explain to me why you were with Nathan. Huh?" asked Lucas. "I mean, considering he's friends with you sister and Peyton's boyfriend I never saw you hanging out with him, and the past few weeks and what he's done..." said Lucas trailing off.

"I can't." said Beth shaking her head while looking at Lucas sadly.

"You know how I feel about him, Beth." said Lucas as he's started to walk in the cafe.

"Lucas, fine!" said Beth as Lucas turned around  "Yes. I know how you feel about him. But there is something you don't know... I promised him I'd tutor him if he left you alone." said Beth.

"What?" asked Lucas surprised from her confession.

"I'm doing it for you, Luke." said Beth as she began to walk away.



Later that day Beth was working a shift at Karen's with Haley who was taking an order from a couple in the corner while Lucas was sitting at the counter. When Beth walks over with a cup of coffee handing it to a costumer near the counter where Lucas was looking at her.

"I'm an idiot." said Lucas,

"I know." said Beth joining Haley and Lucas.

"I'm sorry... I miss hanging out with you, Beth." said Lucas.

"Yeah. I miss hanging out with you too." said Beth.

"Listen. I appreciate everything you did for me. I do, Beth, but how about you let me handle the team from now on, okay?" asked Lucas.

"Okay." said Beth nodding her head before walking away.

"All right. So you can... stop tutoring Nathan now." said Lucas to Beth making her stop.

"Um, no. I, I can't." said Beth turning around.

"Bethany." said Lucas.

"Lucas. I can't. I promised him. If I break that promise, I'm, I'm just as bad as... you think he is." said Beth before walking away.

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