Spirit in the Night

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"Ready?" said Brooke to the girls on the cheer team. We were having cheer practice outside the school by preparing for the classics.

"You can't shoot. You can't score. You will beat us nevermore. Go Ravens Go..." said the girls finishing the routine that Brooke came up with. Beth looked up when she finished and saw Nathan she turned to look at her sister, and pointed over to Nathan who nodded, Beth then walked away and made her way over to Nathan.

"How's it going?" asked Nathan.

"Well, you know the Classics are this weekend, and I'm excited to get some alone time with you." said Beth as she wrapped her arms around Nathan's neck, Nathan smirked and wrapped his arms around Beth's waist.

"You and me in the same hotel? This weekend just got interesting." said Nathan.

Beth rolled her eyes. "Nathan we stayed in the same hotel for the past years at the Classics. This time you will be spending it with me alone." said Beth with a smirk. Nathan laughed, and kissed Beth. "How'd it go?" asked Beth.

"I got the apartment." said Nathan.

Beth smiled. "Nathan, that's great." said Beth.

"I drained my savings, paid first and last month's rent. It's mine on Sunday." said Nathan, and Beth smiled at Nathan feeling proud of him for taking matters into his own hands by moving out of his house, because living with his parents was just a toxic situation for him.

"That's amazing, Nathan!" exclaimed Beth, and heard a yell.

"Bethany, hurry up!" Brooke yelled, and Beth unwrapped her arms from Nathan.

"I'll see you later?" asked Beth, and Nathan nodded and gave Beth a quick kiss before she ran off back to practice.

"Sorry about that, Brooke." said Beth and Brooke nodded.

"It's fine, Beth." said Brooke as she was looking at everyone as they were holding their positions of making a high V.

"Okay. Theresa, terrible posture. Pinch that penny. Bevin, you need... a breath mint. Peyton. Nice form. And excellent betrayal of a best friend." said Brooke and continued to walk past the girls. "Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. You guys! This weekend is the Classic. It's our biggest cheer competition. Aren't you sick of Clair Young and Bear Creek Warriors taking home the trophy every year? Because I am. We need to get it together here and I'm not just talking about our routine. I'm talking hair, nails... underarms, Theresa." said Brooke looking at her.

"Brooke, cheerleading is supposed to be fun." said Bevin.

'Yeah? Well winning's funner. And if you don't like it you can go cheer for the wrestling team. Take five." said Brooke and the whole team walked away. Beth walked over to Brooke, and saw Peyton approaching as well.

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