How Can You Be Sure?

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The next morning Beth walked into Nathan's apartment using the spare key that Nathan gave her. When she walked into Nathan bedroom she smiled at him for a moment just watching him sleep before she crawled onto the bed.

"Hey you, wake up." whispered Beth into Nathan's ear, and kissed his cheek.

"Hey." said Nathan.

"Hey." said Beth.

"I didn't even hear you come in." said Nathan.

Beth smiled. "Well you didn't hear your alarm clock either." said Beth joking with him, and Nathan shook his head.

"That's cause it didn't go off. Everybody gets up at six... geez." said Nathan.

Beth smiled. "Well, time to get up." said Beth getting off of his bed, and Nathan grabbed her waist, and pulled her back into his chest.

"I am up, come here." said Nathan.

"Oh yeah?" said Beth, and Nathan leaned up and kissed her. As they were kissing, Beth laughed when she heard his alarm go off. "Oh, I'll get that." said Beth pulling away from him, and then bent over to turn off his alarm clock. "You want me to start your shower?" asked Beth.

"Uh, yeah... thanks." said Nathan, and Beth smiled before getting off the bed.

"Okay." said Beth before she left.


Bethany and Nathan ran into the apartment after being in the pool for awhile. When Beth walked in Nathan threw her a towel which she caught.

"You hungry?" asked Nathan, and Beth laughed while placing her arm around his neck.

"Oh, I'm hungry for you." said Beth going in for a kiss, but Nathan turned his head before she could and steeped back.

"No I'm serious. We can heat something up, or go out and eat if you want to." said Nathan.

Beth raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" asked Beth.

"Nothing, I'm just hungry." said Nathan.

"I don't buy it. Talk to me, Nate." said Beth.

"I just don't feel like making out, that's all." said Nathan, which made Beth confused, because never in a million years has Nathan turned down a makeup session as to what he and Peyton would always do.

"You realize you just said that, right? Since when?" asked Beth.

"Since you got my jersey number tattooed on your ass." said Nathan, and Beth's eyes widened, he was not supposed to see that.

"Oh. Above my ass, actually. When did you see that?" asked Beth.

"This morning." said Nathan.

"Does that bother you?" asked Beth.

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