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Bethany was inside with Karen and Haley not working that day, due to Bethany having a game earlier. Then ... Lucas walked in with basketball in hand "Hey, mom. Beth." Lucas greeted the both of us, smiling.

"Hey, hon." replied Karen smiling, as Beth waved at him smiling.

"It smells good in here." Lucas said, and then looked his mother up and down. "Did you change your hair?" Lucas asked.

Karen laughed 'If by 'change' you mean 'dragged a brush through it,' then yeah." expressed Karen. As Beth laughed at looking at their interaction as Lucas looked over at Beth.

"Well, it looks nice." replied Lucas.

"Thank you." replied Karen.

He then turned to look at Beth and asked "How was the game tonight."

"We won. How was yours." Beth asked.

"I won." replied Lucas.

"The magazine pages are sticky again. Little pervs." Haley said as she walked out of the kitchen, holding a magazine in her hand, as she looked at Lucas. " Oh, hey, Luke. You been reading this?" teased Haley.

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Is that the 'why do I hang out with these people?' issue, because you're on the cover of that, right?" said Lucas back, as Beth laughed.

Haley rolled her eyes " No, actually, it's the 'my best friend is an idiot' issue, and there you are." teased Haley back as Lucas scoffed with a smile on his face.

"Haley, Beth, would you like to join us?" asked Karen.

Beth replied "Hell yeah, I'm starving." as Haley said "Hell, yes." while walking to one of the tables where Karen was setting up food as Lucas sat down. Karen looked at Beth.

"How was your day, Beth?" asked Karen

"Good. Game days are always exciting, except sometimes game days makes my sister into a monster. But today felt as normal as any other day." Beth said. "I'm not into the whole popularity thing like my sister that hangs around the basketball team."

"Haley?" asked Karen.

"Good, thanks ... 'Good' is relative, considering a third of the world is starving, which does not change the fact that I am clumsy as hell. Did I tell you that i fell down today? Yeah, slipped off the curb, face down, butt in the air. Too graphic ? Sorry. I'll just be quiet." answered Haley.

"So, I got something for you, Lucas." said Karen looking at her son.

"Actually, I found it. Not that I was looking for something specifically, which implies some hideous sort of 'Joey loves Dawson' scenario and completely creep me out, but, you know, we saw it, and..." - Beth cut her off.

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