The Leaving Song

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Beth was sitting on the couch in Nathan's apartment on his computer so she could do her project. The internet at Beth's house was cut off due to her parents not paying the bill. So she went to Nathan and asked if she could borrow his laptop for the day, which he said yes to, and Beth was thankful for that.

"You are totally saving my life. Thank you, Nathan. Brooke really needs to tell our parents to pay the bill." said Beth, because their parents are rarely ever home.

"It's cool. I've got to run to practice, anyway. Then I'm going to pick up an extra shift at the mall, try to pay for this cable modem. And after that, I'm working out with Lucas." said Nathan.

Beth raised an eyebrow at him. "Who are you and what have you done with my real boyfriend Nathan Scott?" teased Beth, and he rolled his eyes, but had a small smile on his face.

"Well, you said you wanted me to cut the guy some slack." said Nathan.

"Are you sure it's not also because it's another way to stick it to Dan?" asked Beth, and Nathan shook his head, which made Beth happy because he was bonding with Lucas because he wanted to.

"No, that's not what it is." said Nathan.

"Okay." said Beth.

"I'm going to stick it to my dad by erasing him from the record books, alright?" said Nathan.

"Good." said Beth.

"I've got to go." said Nathan, and then he leaned down and kissed Beth the her forehead. "I'll see you later." said Nathan, and Beth smiles watching him go causing butterflies in her stomach, because everyday she's with him she fall more in love him.

Beth looks down at the laptop and opens it. "English class here I come." mumbled Beth.


"Until the latter part of his life, Darwin was a naturalist and the author of the book 'The Origin of Species' which was published in..." said Beth as she was reading the words out loud as she typed them down, but when she wanted to know the date when he published the book. Beth went to Nathan's search engine to put in Original, but before she could type the whole thing something else popped up.

'Original Sin - Hot, Nasty Girls!' comes up. Beth eyebrows furrowed as she clicks on his favorites and sees more porn sites listed and frowned looking disappointed, since Beth won't have sex with him this is what he does. And what will happen when she is finally ready to have sex with him, will he compare them to her?

"Hey, Beth." heard Beth, and looked up to see Nathan and Lucas walking inside the apartment together. "Check it out, an entire afternoon together and no one threw a punch." said Nathan.

"You okay, Beth?" asked Lucas looking at Beth.

"Can I talk to Nathan alone, please?" asked Beth at Lucas, but had her eyes on Nathan, and Lucas could sense her anger.

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