The Games That Play Us

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"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome Tree Hill Raven's basketball, brought to you by web cast at I'm Mouth McFadden and the playoffs are finally here, so throw out the perfect record, if the raven's lose this one, the season is over."

"Just moments away from the beginning of this playoff game. Winners advance. To the losers, well, their season is over. Dan Scott is standing in for coach Whitey Durham who is out with an illness. Not sure who signed off on that one, but let's hope Coach Durham gets well soon."




"What's wrong, Nathan?" asked Lucas as they were out on the court warming up before the game. Nathan scanned the sidelines where the cheerleaders were and noticed that Bethany wasn't with them.

"Beth's, not on the sidelines... have you seen her?" asked Nathan.

"She's still not talking to you, huh?" asked Lucas.

"No." said Nathan.





Peyton dropped Bethany off at her house, once they had finished shopping at the mall. Bethany didn't feel the need to buy anything but Peyton did. When Peyton stopped, Bethany noticed Nathan standing outside her house waiting for her in the rain.

"Nathan, you're soaked. What are you doing?" asked Beth when she approached him on the sidewalk leading up to her front door.

"I just went for a run to clear my head, and this is where I ended up. Look, Bethany, the picture of Peyton didn't mean anything, okay?" said Nathan.

"It did to me. Clearly you still have feelings for her." said Beth.

"I saved that picture back when we were still dating. The other ones too, you can go back and look. Her webcam hasn't even been on for months." said Nathan.

"Why didn't you tell me that last week?" asked Beth.

"Because, I should have deleted those images a long time ago. I just felt bad because I didn't do it. Besides, Bethany, I don't want Peyton. I want you." said Nathan.

"Is that it?" asked Beth.

"You know, my pride says yeah, that's it. Just walk away and let Bethany deal with the fact that she's clearly threatened by a sexual relationship. But my heart says, just forget about your pride you idiot. You love this girl. And even if you're going to catch pneumonia, your ass is going to stand out here in the rain till you convince her to forgive you. So come on, Beth, just meet me half way here?" said Nathan.

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