The Search for Something More

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Beth, Brooke, and Peyton were in Peyton's room lying on her he'd watching a horror movie except Brooke who was fast asleep. When the main actress in the movie screams waking Brooke up.

"That's gonna leave a mark." said Peyton watching the movie.

"So what am I doing here?" asked Brooke.

"Brooke, that's two weekends in a row you don't remember what happened the night before." said Peyton, as Brooke sighed looking between the two of them.

"Oh, please tell me I didn't make a fool of myself with Lucas." said Brooke.

"Nope, that would be me." said Peyton.

"Wait. You two were totally hot for each other." said Brooke.

"Were. Until about halfway through ripping each other's clothes off I bailed." said Peyton.

"What, you never told me this!" exclaimed Beth looking at Peyton.

"Because he got all serious. He was talking about this intense commitment or I don't know." said Peyton shaking her head.

"Uh. I don't want to live in a world where three fine and willing girls like ourselves can have such a lame Friday night. I gotta change my karma." said Brooke.

That's not the only thing you should make some changes too." said Beth standing from the bed.

"Beth, I'm so sorry..." said Brooke remembering what she did last night.

"Save it, Brooke." said Beth rolling her eyes and turning to Peyton giving her a smile before she left.



When Beth walked into the music store she saw Haley and Lucas are looking through CDs. Walking over to them.

"Hey, my favorite people besides Peyton." said Beth.

"Still mad at Brooke." said Haley laughing.

"Yes." replied Beth nodding her head.

"Luke, did you ever hear of a UHF or their SARA?" asked Haley looking at Lucas.

"Yeah, UHF. They're from Portland, right? They're good. Um, but with SARA, they're great." said Lucas.

"Cool." said Haley as a bell dinged and Nathan walked in wearing his varsity jacket, with his hands in his pockets and looked at Beth who looked at Lucas and Halley who looked concerned.

"You okay?" asked Lucas.

"Yeah, I can handle it." said Beth nodding her head as Lucas and Haley stepped away. And turned around and looked at Nathan crossing her arms over her chest.

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